c# Programming Glossary: orm
Making Entity Class Closed for Changes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11425993/making-entity-class-closed-for-changes below. The domain objects are created based on LINQ to SQL ORM. A payment comprises of Cash Payment and Gift Coupon Payments... new payment records using the œInsertOnSubmit function of ORM. The following code is working fine. However if I the company.. Open for Extension and Closed for Changes still using ORM Note The Payment class has behaviors E.g. GetTotalAmountCollected..
Get all associate/composite objects inside an object (in Abstract way) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11470037/get-all-associate-composite-objects-inside-an-object-in-abstract-way inside Payment object Note I am using LINQ to SQL as ORM. GiftCouponPayment and Payment are autogenerated classes and.. are autogenerated classes and these objects are created by ORM. I have added more functionality to these classes by using partial..
Which ORM for .NET would you recommend? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/132676/which-orm-for-net-would-you-recommend ORM for .NET would you recommend closed I haven't worked on a .NET.. for a while more than a year . Before I've never used an ORM for a .NET application. What are some of your takes on this..
DataTable equivalent in Java [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1340283/datatable-equivalent-in-java SQL and java.sql.ResultSet is your friend. Or you use some ORM tool like Hibernate Cayenne Toplink to name a few. Or you build..
How can I easily convert DataReader to List<T>? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1464883/how-can-i-easily-convert-datareader-to-listt of stored procs etc It is not always possible to use a ORM so a lighter weight system can be useful to have œup your sleeves..
Using IQueryable with Linq http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1578778/using-iqueryable-with-linq if you're working against a remote database with many ORM systems you have the option of fetching data from a table in.. whose cost is 25. If you do IEnumerable Product products myORM.GetProducts var productsOver25 products.Where p p.Cost 25.00.. on the other hand you can do IQueryable Product products myORM.GetQueryableProducts var productsOver25 products.Where p p.Cost..
Are there good reasons not to use an ORM? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/194147/are-there-good-reasons-not-to-use-an-orm there good reasons not to use an ORM closed During my apprenticeship I have used NHibernate for.. how to design data access and whether or not to use an ORM layer. As I am still in my apprenticeship and still consider.. of Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. Debugging an ORM can be hard. So of course I could just build my data access..
WPF Image to byte[] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/553611/wpf-image-to-byte when your database mapped field on your ORM is Byte byte Bynary public byte getJPGFromImageControl BitmapImage..
Which ORM for .NET would you recommend? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/132676/which-orm-for-net-would-you-recommend make sense Which ones should I consider trying c# .net orm share improve this question NHibernate share improve this..
What ORM for .net should I use? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1691575/what-orm-for-net-should-i-use integrate well with Linq. Is all of that true c# .net orm share improve this question Perhaps your best bet is using.. a good design the cache helps here otherwise it'll perform badly. This has been considered a sore point of NH ever since.. combination with LINQ is both very powerful and very performant. NH LINQ is now part of the standard distribution. Disclaimer..
Problem using SQLite :memory: with NHibernate http://stackoverflow.com/questions/189280/problem-using-sqlite-memory-with-nhibernate Source memory Version 3 New True c# nhibernate sqlite orm integration testing share improve this question A SQLite..
Are there good reasons not to use an ORM? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/194147/are-there-good-reasons-not-to-use-an-orm require teamwork. Good practices which are seen as pretty normal on Stack Overflow such as unit testing or continuous integration.. are non existing here up to now. c# nhibernate orm enterprise share improve this question There's been an explosion..
What is your favorite ORM for .NET? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2214448/what-is-your-favorite-orm-for-net features tools facilities made it special for you c# .net orm database share improve this question An interesting though..
What are the 'big' advantages to have Poco with ORM? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2635953/what-are-the-big-advantages-to-have-poco-with-orm context session e.g. serializing is a problem etc.. c# orm share improve this question POCO it's all about loose coupling..
Entity Framework Code First - two Foreign Keys from same table http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5559043/entity-framework-code-first-two-foreign-keys-from-same-table 2 foreign keys to same table TIA. c# entity framework orm code first entity framework 4.1 share improve this question..
Performing Inserts and Updates with Dapper http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5957774/performing-inserts-and-updates-with-dapper Inserts and Updates with Dapper I am interested in using.. for inserts and updates. Is there a better answer c# orm dapper share improve this question We are looking at building..
What is the difference between nhibernate and entity framework in batching? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6086739/what-is-the-difference-between-nhibernate-and-entity-framework-in-batching framework in batching I want to select one of the above orm. What is the difference between nhibernate and entity framework..
Which ORM is the best when using Stored Procedures http://stackoverflow.com/questions/687762/which-orm-is-the-best-when-using-stored-procedures ORM is free or paid. c# .net database stored procedures orm share improve this question SubSonic has excellent support..