c# Programming Glossary: ourselves
Round Robin Tournament algorithm in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1293058/round-robin-tournament-algorithm-in-c-sharp minus 1 minus 1 because we dealt with the first match ourselves . However since the second half of our list was prepared by..
Implementing INotifyPropertyChanged - does a better way exist? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1315621/implementing-inotifypropertychanged-does-a-better-way-exist to do it. Or are there any complications to do it Can we ourselves implement something like 'notify' in our properties. Is there..
References to variables in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1420186/references-to-variables-in-c is likely one of the ways in which C# protects us from ourselves so i'm not looking for an exact equivelent but rather a similar..
Using lock statement within a loop in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2113261/using-lock-statement-within-a-loop-in-c-sharp in a timely manner when asked to. So now we've got to ask ourselves is the worker slow by design buggy or hostile In the first scenario..
C# Transition between GDI+ and WPF http://stackoverflow.com/questions/271686/c-sharp-transition-between-gdi-and-wpf convince the powers that be to go that route. However we ourselves are converting our Windows Forms application in place taking..
Is it the best practice to extract an interface for every class? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3036749/is-it-the-best-practice-to-extract-an-interface-for-every-class are suffering from lack of attention. We frequently find ourselves refactoring to pull an interface out of a type to make it testable..
Generic methods in .NET cannot have their return types inferred. Why? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3203643/generic-methods-in-net-cannot-have-their-return-types-inferred-why convertible to an argument type of N Do we write ourselves a little prolog program and ask the prolog engine to solve what..
Deserialization backwards compatibility http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5381928/deserialization-backwards-compatibility usually once put objects in a blob database field and pat ourselves in the back thinking we're clever. And then the CLR gets a patch..
Set Timeout For Controller Action http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6184752/set-timeout-for-controller-action fooId if result.HasFinishedProcessing Clean up after ourselves result.DeleteFromDatabase return View MyFooFinishedView result.Uris..
Is order of parameters for database Command object really important? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7165661/is-order-of-parameters-for-database-command-object-really-important To make matter worse in complex queries its hard to know ourselves which order is Access expecting and in all situations where..
AutoMapper for Func's between selector types http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7424501/automapper-for-funcs-between-selector-types function therefore is to build up the expression tree ourselves using the System.Linq.Expressions classes. What we really need..
Validate assemblies and namespaces in VAB config file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8900510/validate-assemblies-and-namespaces-in-vab-config-file the normal QA cycle. Is there any built in way to protect ourselves from this type of change in the future What I did in the interim..