c# Programming Glossary: outputfilename
ASP.NET Download All Files as Zip http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2670263/asp-net-download-all-files-as-zip well. Obviously you will need to provide the variables for outputFileName folderName and includeSubFolders. response.ContentType application.. response.AddHeader content disposition attachment filename outputFileName using ZipFile zipfile new ZipFile zipfile.AddSelectedFiles ...
c# (WinForms-App) export DataSet to Excel http://stackoverflow.com/questions/373925/c-sharp-winforms-app-export-dataset-to-excel _writer.WriteEndElement public ExcelWriter string outputFileName XmlWriterSettings settings new XmlWriterSettings settings.Indent.. settings.Indent true _writer XmlWriter.Create outputFileName settings public void Close if _writer null throw new InvalidOperationException..
How do I convert Word files to PDF programmatically? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/607669/how-do-i-convert-word-files-to-pdf-programmatically ref oMissing ref oMissing ref oMissing doc.Activate object outputFileName wordFile.FullName.Replace .doc .pdf object fileFormat WdSaveFormat.wdFormatPDF.. Save document into PDF Format doc.SaveAs ref outputFileName ref fileFormat ref oMissing ref oMissing ref oMissing ref oMissing..
Save/Convert .doc as .html using Visual Studio 2010 Express http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9900846/save-convert-doc-as-html-using-visual-studio-2010-express ref oMissing ref oMissing try doc.Activate object outputFileName wordFile.FullName.Replace .doc .html object fileFormat format.. .doc .html object fileFormat format doc.SaveAs ref outputFileName ref fileFormat ref oMissing ref oMissing ref oMissing ref..