c# Programming Glossary: output.write
.NET Asynchronous stream read/write http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1540658/net-asynchronous-stream-read-write bytesRead 0 RaiseCompleted return write synchronously output.Write buffer 0 bytesRead get next GetNextChunk private void RaiseCompleted..
Best way to copy between two Stream instances http://stackoverflow.com/questions/230128/best-way-to-copy-between-two-stream-instances
How do you stream an Excel 2007 or Word 2007 file using asp.net and c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2519026/how-do-you-stream-an-excel-2007-or-word-2007-file-using-asp-net-and-c-sharp
Multiple Download/Upload parallely in FTP using C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3362039/multiple-download-upload-parallely-in-ftp-using-c-sharp this.bytes csocket.Receive buffer buffer.Length 0 output.Write this.buffer 0 this.bytes if this.bytes 0 break this.BinaryMode..
How do I save a stream to a file? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/411592/how-do-i-save-a-stream-to-a-file int len while len input.Read buffer 0 buffer.Length 0 output.Write buffer 0 len To use it to dump a stream to a file for example..
how to pass html as a string using wkhtmltopdf? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4651373/how-to-pass-html-as-a-string-using-wkhtmltopdf
C# HtmlEncode - ISO-8859-1 Entity Names vs Numbers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4853920/c-sharp-htmlencode-iso-8859-1-entity-names-vs-numbers as seen with reflector ... if ch ' ' switch ch case ' ' output.Write amp continue case ' '' output.Write #39 continue case '.. ch case ' ' output.Write amp continue case ' '' output.Write #39 continue case ' ' output.Write quot continue case '.. continue case ' '' output.Write #39 continue case ' ' output.Write quot continue case ' ' output.Write lt continue case '..
How to use the 7z SDK to compress and decompress a file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7646328/how-to-use-the-7z-sdk-to-compress-and-decompress-a-file output Write the decompressed file size. output.Write BitConverter.GetBytes input.Length 0 8 Encode the file. coder.Code..
Httplistener and file upload http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8466703/httplistener-and-file-upload IndexOf buffer len boundaryBytes if endPos 0 if endPos 0 output.Write buffer 0 endPos break else if len boundaryLen throw new.. throw new Exception End Boundaray Not Found else output.Write buffer 0 len boundaryLen Array.Copy buffer len boundaryLen..
Write file from assembly resource stream to disk http://stackoverflow.com/questions/864140/write-file-from-assembly-resource-stream-to-disk while bytesRead input.Read buffer 0 buffer.Length 0 output.Write buffer 0 bytesRead then call it using Stream input assembly.GetManifestResourceStream..
how to write super fast file streaming code in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/955911/how-to-write-super-fast-file-streaming-code-in-c input.Read buffer 0 Math.Min length buffer.Length output.Write buffer 0 bytesRead length bytesRead This has a minor inefficiency.. input.Read buffer 0 Math.Min length buffer.Length output.Write buffer 0 bytesRead length bytesRead Note that this also closes..
Embedding one dll inside another as an embedded resource and then calling it from my code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/96732/embedding-one-dll-inside-another-as-an-embedded-resource-and-then-calling-it-fro byte 4096 do readLength input.Read buffer 0 buffer.Length output.Write buffer 0 readLength while readLength 0 return output.ToArray..