c# Programming Glossary: mailsettings
How to save MailMessage object to disk as *.eml or *.msg file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1264672/how-to-save-mailmessage-object-to-disk-as-eml-or-msg-file configuration file like this configuration system.net mailSettings smtp deliveryMethod SpecifiedPickupDirectory specifiedPickupDirectory.. pickupDirectoryLocation C somedirectory smtp mailSettings system.net configuration After sending the email you should..
C#, can we share some contents of App.config between projects? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2746797/c-can-we-share-some-contents-of-app-config-between-projects configSource MyConnection.config or system.net mailSettings smtp configSource smtp.TEST.config vs. system.net mailSettings.. smtp configSource smtp.TEST.config vs. system.net mailSettings smtp configSource smtp.PROD.config Any configuration section..
Setting multiple SMTP settings in web.config? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4363038/setting-multiple-smtp-settings-in-web-config when sending email. I'm used to using the system.net mailSettings approach but as I understand it that only allows one SMTP connection.. I'm open to skipping the tradintional SmtpClient mailSettings approach and I think will have to... c# web config smtp mailsettings.. web.config configuration configSections sectionGroup name mailSettings section name smtp_1 type System.Net.Configuration.SmtpSection..
The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4491229/the-smtp-server-requires-a-secure-connection-or-the-client-was-not-authenticated a STARTTLS command first. e17sm974159fak.34 Web.config mailSettings smtp deliveryMethod Network from emailaccount@gmail.com network.. userName emailaccount@gmail.com password 12345678 smtp mailSettings Code file public void Submit EnsureCurrentlyValid Send via..
How can I save an email instead of sending when using SmtpClient? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/567765/how-can-i-save-an-email-instead-of-sending-when-using-smtpclient change your settings like this for your batch system.net mailSettings smtp deliveryMethod SpecifiedPickupDirectory specifiedPickupDirectory..
Send Email via C# through Google Apps account http://stackoverflow.com/questions/757987/send-email-via-c-sharp-through-google-apps-account Put them in web.config instead configuration system.net mailSettings smtp from example@domain.com deliveryMethod Network network.. 587 userName example@domain.com password password smtp mailSettings system.net configuration End when you send email just enable..