

c# Programming Glossary: m.startdate

Check if a date range is within a date range


Membership newItem return membershipList.Any m m.StartDate newItem.StartDate newItem.StartDate m.EndDate DateTime.MaxValue.. newItem return membershipList.Any m m.StartDate newItem.StartDate newItem.StartDate m.EndDate DateTime.MaxValue m.StartDate newItem.EndDate.. membershipList.Any m m.StartDate newItem.StartDate newItem.StartDate m.EndDate DateTime.MaxValue m.StartDate newItem.EndDate DateTime.MaxValue..

Add css class to Html.EditorFor in MVC 2


a textbox. This is what I have in my view Html.EditorFor m m.StartDate I tried following the instructions at this link by making my.. at this link by making my code Html.EditorFor m m.StartDate new @class datepicker But I get a compiler error saying Syntax..

Assign format of DateTime with data annotations?


the date I have these Model.StartDate Html.TextBoxFor m m.StartDate Whenever the date is displayed it's displayed like 01 01 2011..