c# Programming Glossary: macaddr
C# - How do I access the WLAN signal strength and others? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1686715/c-sharp-how-do-i-access-the-wlan-signal-strength-and-others int rss network.rssi MessageBox.Show rss.ToString byte macAddr network.dot11Bssid string tMac for int i 0 i macAddr.Length.. macAddr network.dot11Bssid string tMac for int i 0 i macAddr.Length i tMac macAddr i .ToString x2 .PadLeft 2 '0' .ToUpper.. string tMac for int i 0 i macAddr.Length i tMac macAddr i .ToString x2 .PadLeft 2 '0' .ToUpper Console.WriteLine Found..
Get BSSID (MAC address) of wireless access point from C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/187777/get-bssid-mac-address-of-wireless-access-point-from-c-sharp Wlan.WlanBssEntry wlanBssEntry in wlanBssEntries byte macAddr wlanBssEntry.dot11Bssid var macAddrLen uint macAddr.Length var.. wlanBssEntries byte macAddr wlanBssEntry.dot11Bssid var macAddrLen uint macAddr.Length var str new string int macAddrLen for.. byte macAddr wlanBssEntry.dot11Bssid var macAddrLen uint macAddr.Length var str new string int macAddrLen for int i 0 i macAddrLen..
How do I obtain the physical (MAC) address of an IP address using C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/187894/how-do-i-obtain-the-physical-mac-address-of-an-ip-address-using-c public static extern int SendARP int destIp int srcIP byte macAddr ref uint physicalAddrLen PInvoke.NET has this example IPAddress.. the destination IP address byte macAddr new byte 6 uint macAddrLen uint macAddr.Length if SendARP BitConverter.ToInt32.. the destination IP address byte macAddr new byte 6 uint macAddrLen uint macAddr.Length if SendARP BitConverter.ToInt32 dst.GetAddressBytes..