c# Programming Glossary: maintenance
XML serialization of interface property http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1333864/xml-serialization-of-interface-property an instance of the proper type This is likely to become a maintenance nightmare... Implement IXmlSerializable Similar to the first..
Is there a downside to adding an anonymous empty delegate on event declaration? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/170907/is-there-a-downside-to-adding-an-anonymous-empty-delegate-on-event-declaration use and is transparent enough that it won't cause a maintenance headache Is there any appreciable performance hit of the empty..
Are there good reasons not to use an ORM? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/194147/are-there-good-reasons-not-to-use-an-orm of automatic joins lazy loading proxy classes and a lower maintenance effort if a table gets a new column or a column gets renamed...
Class with single method — best approach? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/205689/class-with-single-method-best-approach that would otherwise lie around causing redundancy and maintenance hell. They're very easy to use no instantiation no disposal.. your project is a one off with no requirements for future maintenance the overall architecture really isn't very important static..
When to Use Static Classes in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/241339/when-to-use-static-classes-in-c-sharp that would otherwise lie around causing redundancy and maintenance hell. They're very easy to use no instantiation no disposal.. your project is a one off with no requirements for future maintenance the overall architecture really isn't very important static..
Method Overloading. Can you overuse it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/248222/method-overloading-can-you-overuse-it not is to consider the audience not the compiler but the maintenance programmer who will be coming along in weeks months years and.. if the parameter passed to GetProducts are well named the maintenance guy will be able to work out what the overload does but that's.. Having the full names makes the code more explicit for the maintenance guy who might well be me . It avoids issues with having signature..
method overloading vs optional parameter in C# 4.0 [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3316402/method-overloading-vs-optional-parameter-in-c-sharp-4-0 is that it greatly enhances readability and thus code maintenance of optional parameter methods. Note how one method pretty much..
Why are C# 3.0 object initializer constructor parentheses optional? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3661025/why-are-c-sharp-3-0-object-initializer-constructor-parentheses-optional documentation burden was relatively small compared... the maintenance burden was anticipated to be small I don't recall any bugs reported..
in a “using” block is a SqlConnection closed on return or exception? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4717789/in-a-using-block-is-a-sqlconnection-closed-on-return-or-exception lot easier to see what is going to happen even for the new maintenance programmer who will support it later using SqlConnection connection..
Strongly typed dynamic Linq sorting http://stackoverflow.com/questions/557819/strongly-typed-dynamic-linq-sorting to use refactoring Find All References to support later maintenance. That means I want to define the fields as f f.Name instead..
What task is best done in a functional programming style? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/694651/what-task-is-best-done-in-a-functional-programming-style to give a talk on how to reduce software development and maintenance efforts and I wanted to introduce them the concept of functional..
Is it appropriate to extend Control to provide consistently safe Invoke/BeginInvoke functionality? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/714666/is-it-appropriate-to-extend-control-to-provide-consistently-safe-invoke-begininv safe Invoke BeginInvoke functionality In the course of my maintenance for an older application that badly violated the cross thread..
Is there a .NET/C# wrapper for SQLite? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/93654/is-there-a-net-c-wrapper-for-sqlite but is no longer an active contributor. Development and maintenance work is now mostly performed by the SQLite Development Team...