c# Programming Glossary: macaddress
How to determine MAC Address of the actual physical network card — not virtual network interfaces created by VPN's (.NET C#) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1567377/how-to-determine-mac-address-of-the-actual-physical-network-card-not-virtual searcher new ManagementObjectSearcher Select MACAddress PNPDeviceID FROM Win32_NetworkAdapter WHERE MACAddress IS NOT.. MACAddress PNPDeviceID FROM Win32_NetworkAdapter WHERE MACAddress IS NOT NULL AND PNPDeviceID IS NOT NULL ManagementObjectCollection.. PNPDeviceID .ToString if pnp.Contains PCI string mac obj MACAddress .ToString mac mac.Replace string.Empty return mac share improve..
How to get the Client System Mac-id and other details like IP Address etc http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19245571/how-to-get-the-client-system-mac-id-and-other-details-like-ip-address-etc MO in MOCol if MO null if MO MacAddress null Mac MO MACAddress .ToString if Mac string.Empty break return Mac public static..
Getting MAC Address C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3157246/getting-mac-address-c-sharp and add it it myself here is the code private object GetMACAddress string macAddresses foreach NetworkInterface nic in NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces.. in theCollectionOfResults if theCurrentObject MACAddress null string macAdd theCurrentObject MACAddress .ToString.. MACAddress null string macAdd theCurrentObject MACAddress .ToString return macAdd.Replace ' ' ' ' catch ManagementException..
How to detect the original MAC address after it has been spoofed? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9546228/how-to-detect-the-original-mac-address-after-it-has-been-spoofed macId return identifier Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration MACAddress IPEnabled private static string identifier string wmiClass string..