c# Programming Glossary: mailbox
MailSystem.Net Delete Message, IndexOnServer Property = 0 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13160089/mailsystem-net-delete-message-indexonserver-property-0 properties you will need List Email GetEmails string mailbox Mailbox box client.AllMailboxes mailbox Fetch fetch box.Fetch.. GetEmails string mailbox Mailbox box client.AllMailboxes mailbox Fetch fetch box.Fetch List Email list new List Email for int.. msg object return list void DeleteEmail Email email string mailbox Mailbox box client.AllMailboxes mailbox box.UidDeleteMessage..
Active Directory: Retrieve User information http://stackoverflow.com/questions/132277/active-directory-retrieve-user-information be modified and extended e.g. installing Exchange will add mailbox information to users . AD Explorer is a useful tool which you..
Running a powershell command in C# errors with, “Cannot invoke this function because the current host does not implement it” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4219095/running-a-powershell-command-in-c-sharp-errors-with-cannot-invoke-this-functio pipeLine runSpace.CreatePipeline String sScript get mailbox identity 'rj' add script to pipeline pipeLine.Commands.AddScript.. of the one above is to set the RetentionPolicy for a mailbox. The script I am trying to run looks like this Set Mailbox Identity..
How do I read incoming mail using C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4614837/how-do-i-read-incoming-mail-using-c-sharp If you are already dealing with an Exchange server as the mailbox host I would suggest leveraging that via IMAP preferred or POP.. Recently I developed a solution that accesses a specified mailbox via AfterLogic's MailBee.NET IMAP component which I think is.. IMAP automation is flexible enough to work with almost any mailbox server platform It doesn't have to be limited to Exchange environments...
Sending Outlook meeting requests without Outlook? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/461889/sending-outlook-meeting-requests-without-outlook get automatic attendee tracking to work with an Exchange mailbox because the event won't exist in the organizers calendar. Outlook..
Using Redemption (Outlook) with a user other than the logged in user - and getting errors http://stackoverflow.com/questions/589254/using-redemption-outlook-with-a-user-other-than-the-logged-in-user-and-getti Session.LogonExchangeMailbox outLookUser outLookServer int mailboxCount Session.Stores.Count string defaultStore Session.Stores.DefaultStore.Name.. Session.Stores.DefaultStore.Name sMessageBody n mailboxCount mailboxCount.ToString n defaultStore defaultStore n n RDOStore.. sMessageBody n mailboxCount mailboxCount.ToString n defaultStore defaultStore n n RDOStore rmpMetering..
Read MS Exchange email in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/652549/read-ms-exchange-email-in-c-sharp ability to monitor for and read email from a particular mailbox on a MS Exchange Server internal to my company . I also need..
How do you impersonate an Active Directory user in Powershell? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11806/how-do-you-impersonate-an-active-directory-user-in-powershell using pipeline pipeline.Commands.AddScript Get Mailbox identity 'user.name' pipeline.Commands.Add Out String Collection..
MailSystem.Net Delete Message, IndexOnServer Property = 0 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13160089/mailsystem-net-delete-message-indexonserver-property-0 account.Username account.Password var inbox client.SelectMailbox Inbox MessageCollection messages inbox.SearchParse SINCE DateTime.Now.AddHours.. is deleted since it would move up one place in line . Mailbox box client.AllMailboxes inbox Fetch fetch box.Fetch int messagesLeft.. it would move up one place in line . Mailbox box client.AllMailboxes inbox Fetch fetch box.Fetch int messagesLeft box.Count int..
Running a powershell command in C# errors with, “Cannot invoke this function because the current host does not implement it” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4219095/running-a-powershell-command-in-c-sharp-errors-with-cannot-invoke-this-functio mailbox. The script I am trying to run looks like this Set Mailbox Identity 'rj' RetentionPolicy 'Main Campus Retention Policy'.. as well Set ConfirmPreference None before calling Set Mailbox and possibly Force too Create a Host and implement the Confirm..
.NET SMTP Client - Client does not have permissions to send as this sender http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7269174/net-smtp-client-client-does-not-have-permissions-to-send-as-this-sender the Windows 2008 R2 II7 server I get the following error Mailbox unavailable. The server response was 5.7.1 Client does not have..