c# Programming Glossary: mainwindowviewmodel
How to set different HorizontalAlignment to ListBoxItems http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15400583/how-to-set-different-horizontalalignment-to-listboxitems StartupEventArgs e base.OnStartup e var mainvm new MainWindowViewModel var window new MainWindow DataContext mainvm window.Show mainvm.Messages.Add.. this.PropertyChanged if handler null handler this e MainWindowViewModel public class MainWindowViewModel ViewModelBase public MainWindowViewModel.. null handler this e MainWindowViewModel public class MainWindowViewModel ViewModelBase public MainWindowViewModel Messages new ObservableCollection..
The best approach to create new window in WPF using MVVM http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2108949/the-best-approach-to-create-new-window-in-wpf-using-mvvm Something else that I've missed Another approach In the MainWindowViewModel we will implement ShowCommand property that will return ICommand.. additional coding ViewModel class can't show dialog so MainWindowViewModel will only raise ShowDialogEvent the MainWindowView we will need.. in its MainWindow_Loaded method something like this MainWindowViewModel DataContext .ShowDialogEvent ShowDialog ShowDialog similar to..
Binding WPF ComboBox to a Custom List http://stackoverflow.com/questions/561166/binding-wpf-combobox-to-a-custom-list working for some reason in my particular context. I have a MainWindowViewModel which has a CollectionView of ConnectionViewModels. In the MainWindowView.xaml.. file code behind I set the DataContext to the MainWindowViewModel. The MainWindowView.xaml has an ItemsControl bound to the collection.. Name get set public string Password get set public class MainWindowViewModel ViewModelBase List ConnectionViewModel ... public CollectionView..