c# Programming Glossary: machine's
IP address spoofing using SharpPcap on C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2857223/ip-address-spoofing-using-sharppcap-on-c-sharp framework to make my spoofing program so I need to edit my machine's IP address of the packet with another IP address on the source..
Checking stack size in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2901185/checking-stack-size-in-c-sharp You could pinvoke into GetSystemInfo to obtain the machine's page size the dwPageSize of the SYSTEM_INFO struct . Note that..
Retrieve Windows Experience Rating http://stackoverflow.com/questions/479435/retrieve-windows-experience-rating Windows Experience Rating I'm looking to retrieve a machine's windows experience rating in C#. If possible I would also like..
How can I get elevated permissions (UAC) via impersonation under a non-interactive login? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5098121/how-can-i-get-elevated-permissions-uac-via-impersonation-under-a-non-interacti app is not consistent and may not even be a member of the machine's Administrators group. So I've created an AD domain admin user..
ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5595049/servicepointmanager-servercertificatevalidationcallback-question or override the default validation behavior of the remote machine's certificate. This is probably better suited to be answered by..
Reliable method to get machine's MAC address in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/850650/reliable-method-to-get-machines-mac-address-in-c-sharp method to get machine's MAC address in C# I need a way to get a machine's MAC address.. to get machine's MAC address in C# I need a way to get a machine's MAC address regardless of the OS it is running using C#. Application..
Monitoring Garbage Collector in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9669963/monitoring-garbage-collector-in-c-sharp believe that the Garbage Collector can be using all of the machine's resources when it is ran and leaving none to our application... the Windows Performance Monitor to access the production machine's performance counters for .NET garbage collection and view those..