c# Programming Glossary: lazylist
Is this Repository pattern efficient with LINQ-to-SQL? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1669607/is-this-repository-pattern-efficient-with-linq-to-sql able to do that in my app. I use a combination of custom LazyList T and LazyItem T classes that encapsulate lazy initialization.. LazyItem T classes that encapsulate lazy initialization LazyList T wraps the IQueryable functionality of an IList collection..
Method cannot be translated into a store expression http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3846716/method-cannot-be-translated-into-a-store-expression Models.Estate EstateId e.EstateId AllHomeFeatures new LazyList HomeFeatures AllHomeFeat AllCommunityFeatures new LazyList.. HomeFeatures AllHomeFeat AllCommunityFeatures new LazyList CommunityFeatures AllCommFeat public IQueryable Models.CommunityFeatures.. Name f.HomeFeature1 HomeFeatureId f.HomeFeatureId LazyList is a List that extends the power of IQueryable. Could someone..