c# Programming Glossary: latest
How to play audio and video files in web browser? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10648471/how-to-play-audio-and-video-files-in-web-browser http www.web video player.com http jplayer.org latest demos Play audio video using the Flash Player http flowplayer.org..
Displaying the build date http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1600962/displaying-the-build-date to most of the users who want to know if they have the latest build they tend to refer to it as last Thursday's rather than..
Getting the thread ID from a thread http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1679243/getting-the-thread-id-from-a-thread returns the ID of the current thread. For the latest version of .NET the current recommended way of doing it is System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId..
What NoSQL solutions are out there for .NET? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1777103/what-nosql-solutions-are-out-there-for-net redis windows that shows how to Use Vagrant to run the latest stable version of Redis inside a VirtualBox VM . Download and..
Options for embedding Chromium instead of IE WebBrowser control with WPF/C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18119125/options-for-embedding-chromium-instead-of-ie-webbrowser-control-with-wpf-c It should not be difficult to update it with the latest Chromium code as we go and we would have full control over this... updated. It's the only option that allows you to embed the latest version of Chromium. Now that Per Lundberg is actively working.. Updating Chrome Frame to the latest Chromium version might not be that easy as you anticipate. I..
Which .NET Dependency Injection frameworks are worth looking into? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21288/which-net-dependency-injection-frameworks-are-worth-looking-into my comments here I've been using Ninject as promised on my latest project and it has been an absolute pleasure to use. Words fail..
What 'additional configuration' is necessary to reference a .NET 2.0 mixed mode assembly in a .NET 4.0 project? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2455654/what-additional-configuration-is-necessary-to-reference-a-net-2-0-mixed-mode flag. This causes the CLR to use the latest version 4.0 to load your mixed mode assembly. Without this it..
GridView sorting: SortDirection always Ascending http://stackoverflow.com/questions/250037/gridview-sorting-sortdirection-always-ascending question You can use a session variable to store the latest Sort Expression and when you sort the grid next time compare..
How can I stream webcam video with C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/342774/how-can-i-stream-webcam-video-with-c everything that DirectShow provides. I suspect many of the latest things they have released are still DirectShow under the hood...
How to Count Duplicates in List with LINQ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/454601/how-to-count-duplicates-in-list-with-linq Show us complete code to get a better help. Based on your latest update You have this line of code group xx by xx into g Since..
Model-View-Presenter in WinForms http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4794121/model-view-presenter-in-winforms beginning or if it's dynamic in its nature and needs the latest snapshot from the model via the presenter then I would add something..
Very slow compile times on Visual Studio 2005 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/55517/very-slow-compile-times-on-visual-studio-2005 areas of the application in new solutions importing in the latest dlls as required them integrating them into the larger solution..
How to add a Timeout to Console.ReadLine()? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/57615/how-to-add-a-timeout-to-console-readline be active. Calling the function will always result in the latest input or in a timeout and the user won't have to hit enter more..
Is there a tool for finding unreferenced functions (dead, obsolete code) in a C# app? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/65585/is-there-a-tool-for-finding-unreferenced-functions-dead-obsolete-code-in-a-c upstream callers. It is available cross platform and the latest version handles AvoidUncalledPrivateCodeRule . FxCop will detect..
Use of null check in event handler http://stackoverflow.com/questions/672638/use-of-null-check-in-event-handler some sort of locking just to make sure that you've got the latest set of handlers if you might get subscriptions from various..
What is the minimum client footprint required to connect C# to an Oracle database? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/70602/what-is-the-minimum-client-footprint-required-to-connect-c-sharp-to-an-oracle-da
C# Events and Thread Safety http://stackoverflow.com/questions/786383/c-sharp-events-and-thread-safety
Can I pass constructor parameters to Unity's Resolve() method? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/787001/can-i-pass-constructor-parameters-to-unitys-resolve-method As of today they have added this functionality It ™s in the latest drop here http unity.codeplex.com SourceControl changeset view..
WCF Service or Web API http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9502548/wcf-service-or-web-api the Web API feature in MVC 4 which is meant to be the latest thing for RESTful APIs Should I be going along the line of using..
Releasing a unplugged virtual Serial Port http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9835881/releasing-a-unplugged-virtual-serial-port with a good driver. So practical approaches are use the latest version of .NET contact the vendor and ask for a driver update..