c# Programming Glossary: leaky
Get all associate/composite objects inside an object (in Abstract way) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11470037/get-all-associate-composite-objects-inside-an-object-in-abstract-way just need to update the PaymentID column in this table. A leaky abstraction refers to any implemented abstraction intended to..
Immutable object pattern in C# - what do you think? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/263585/immutable-object-pattern-in-c-sharp-what-do-you-think larger object models using this pattern the risk of leaky objects increases. A leaky object is an object that fails to.. using this pattern the risk of leaky objects increases. A leaky object is an object that fails to call the FailIfImmutable method..
What are the 'big' advantages to have Poco with ORM? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2635953/what-are-the-big-advantages-to-have-poco-with-orm test your domain. Another advantage is that there is less leaky abstractions. Because persistance concerns are not pushed to..
Bandwidth throttling in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/371032/bandwidth-throttling-in-c-sharp and download limit. I have read up on the token bucket and leaky bucket alghorhithms and seemingly the latter seems to fit the.. threads to send the data while simultaneously receiving leaky bucket Any hints on other implementations that do the same would..
Dependency Injection - new instance required in several of a classes methods http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4648318/dependency-injection-new-instance-required-in-several-of-a-classes-methods to address the issue. However if you do that it would be a leaky abstraction because you would let the knowledge of a particular..
There is a Default instance of form in VB.Net but not in C#, WHY? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4698538/there-is-a-default-instance-of-form-in-vb-net-but-not-in-c-why in utter despair. A problem when the abstraction is leaky. You are really better off not doing this at all. share improve..
Is ASP.NET MVC 3 ready for business applications http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6124598/is-asp-net-mvc-3-ready-for-business-applications for throwing together some simple pages. But it is a leaky abstraction and the lack of control may frustrate you as you..
Which types should my Entity Framework repository and service layer methods return: List, IEnumerable, IQueryable? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6416506/which-types-should-my-entity-framework-repository-and-service-layer-methods-retu repository provides better separation of concerns and less leaky abstraction but in the same time it removes a lot of ORM and..
The cast to value type 'Int32' failed because the materialized value is null http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6864311/the-cast-to-value-type-int32-failed-because-the-materialized-value-is-null code but rather translated into SQL. Sometimes this is a leaky abstraction that yields unexpected behaviour. One such case..