c# Programming Glossary: laziness
Silent failures in C#, seemingly unhandled exceptions that does not crash the program http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1583351/silent-failures-in-c-seemingly-unhandled-exceptions-that-does-not-crash-the-pr I'm sure it's not a design decision probably no choice or laziness. Does anybody know Would be glad if anyone can point me to a..
Singleton by Jon Skeet clarification http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2550925/singleton-by-jon-skeet-clarification not want the no op static constructor it depends on what laziness guarantees you need. You should be aware that .NET 4 changes..
Default string initialization: NULL or Empty? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/265875/default-string-initialization-null-or-empty anyways I can't help but return to the opinion that it is laziness. Any DBA would slap you nine ways to silly if you used '' instead..
What guarantees are there on the run-time complexity (Big-O) of LINQ methods? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2799427/what-guarantees-are-there-on-the-run-time-complexity-big-o-of-linq-methods to walk the sequence once although even this is subject to laziness. Things are murkier for the more complex operations the set..
When is optimization premature? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4832642/when-is-optimization-premature term used a lot but I feel like most people use it out of laziness or ignorance. For instance I was reading this article http blogs.msdn.com..
When should you use a field rather than a property? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/641619/when-should-you-use-a-field-rather-than-a-property to define properties which should satisfy your inner laziness. Simply type prop and hit tab to expedite the laziness in adding..