c# Programming Glossary: latency
Directly sending keystrokes to another process via hooking http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10407769/directly-sending-keystrokes-to-another-process-via-hooking reliability rate dropped dramatically as well as adding latency into key events. Only a combination of PostMessage for keydown..
Sockets On Same Machine For Windows and Linux http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1644851/sockets-on-same-machine-for-windows-and-linux is not that large but its very important that it be low latency. We're using sockets right now with nagle dis abled and the..
Should we use “workstation” garbage collection or “server” garbage collection? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1707240/should-we-use-workstation-garbage-collection-or-server-garbage-collection concurrently with the running program thereby minimizing latency. This mode is useful for client applications where perceived..
Lock-free multi-threading is for real threading experts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2528969/lock-free-multi-threading-is-for-real-threading-experts to instructions with memory accesses to hide main memory latency and make better use of their cache. Now it is sure against intuition..
.Net vs Java Garbage Collector http://stackoverflow.com/questions/492703/net-vs-java-garbage-collector or client collectors which optimise for throughput verses latency respectively. Active research in GC strategies is ongoing in..
Prevent .NET Garbage collection for short period of time http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6005865/prevent-net-garbage-collection-for-short-period-of-time sure we can always go to the catch block so we can set the latency mode back to `oldMode` RuntimeHelpers.PrepareConstrainedRegions.. in extremely low memory situations finally ALWAYS set the latency mode back GCSettings.LatencyMode oldMode That will allow you..
ASP.NET How To Stream File To User http://stackoverflow.com/questions/736301/asp-net-how-to-stream-file-to-user of problems eg if you are talking to a client with enough latency the reset packet can cause any other response data buffered..
How to catch the event when spectrum of an audio reached a specific height, like triggered event made by a loud sound? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7378391/how-to-catch-the-event-when-spectrum-of-an-audio-reached-a-specific-height-like next block will 512..1535. This 50 overlap helps to reduce latency in your detection you can increase the overlap but if you go..
Which is faster: Automapper, Valuinjector, or manual mapping? To what degree is each one faster? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8122334/which-is-faster-automapper-valuinjector-or-manual-mapping-to-what-degree-is consuming most of my page load time combined with network latency then I see potential to not use automapper and create manual..
What is the best choice for .net inter-process communication? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/84855/what-is-the-best-choice-for-net-inter-process-communication performance. The differences are so small measuring client latency that it does not matter which one is a bit faster. WCF though..