c# Programming Glossary: le
Why is filter not working with text/string values in Lucene.Net? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16906689/why-is-filter-not-working-with-text-string-values-in-lucene-net below. It is working perfectly. String field id Filter LE new QueryWrapperFilter new TermQuery new Term field 1234567.. indexSearcher.Search QueryMaker searchString searchfields LE coll However if I give a value containing Text String field.. if I give a value containing Text String field id Filter LE new QueryWrapperFilter new TermQuery new Term field ZZZOCB9X9Y..
How to convert an int to a little endian byte array? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2350099/how-to-convert-an-int-to-a-little-endian-byte-array a little endian byte array to an integer number int LE2INT byte data return data 3 24 data 2 16 data 1 8 data 0 Now.. convert it back to little endian.. Something like byte INT2LE int data ... Any idea Thanks. c# bit manipulation share improve.. machine. edit that was wrong since this code returns LE by definition byte INT2LE int data byte b new byte 4 b 0 byte..
How to find out the Encoding of a File? C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3404199/how-to-find-out-the-encoding-of-a-file-c-sharp Check the first two bytes 1. If there is a UTF 16 LE BOM then treat it and load it as a Unicode file 2. If there.. to see if that function think it is BOM less UTF 16 LE if so then treat it and load it as a Unicode file Check to see..
How to detect the character encoding of a text file? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4520184/how-to-detect-the-character-encoding-of-a-text-file UTF 32 BOM is 00 00 FE FF for BE or FF FE 00 00 for LE . But UTF 32 is easy to detect even without a BOM. This is because.. the pattern 00 0x 10 xx xx for BE or xx xx 0x 10 00 for LE . If the data has a length that's a multiple of 4 and follows.. 1 in a million. UTF 16 BOM is FE FF for BE or FF FE for LE . Note that the UTF 16LE BOM is found at the start of the UTF..
How to effectively log asynchronously? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1181561/how-to-effectively-log-asynchronously a LogEntry object and then I call BeginInvoke on a delegate that calls Logger.Write. new Action LogEntry Logger.Write.. new Action LogEntry Logger.Write .BeginInvoke le null null What I'd really like to do is add the log message.. do is add the log message to a queue and then have a single thread pulling LogEntry instances off the queue and performing..
Mobile Device Detection in asp.net http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13086856/mobile-device-detection-in-asp-net Device Detection in asp.net The following is a Mobile device.. Device Detection in asp.net The following is a Mobile device detection code which encompasses three different conditions.. three different conditions if Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice Do Something else if System.Web.Configuration.HttpCapabilitiesBase..
How to remove illegal characters from path and filenames? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/146134/how-to-remove-illegal-characters-from-path-and-filenames to remove illegal characters from path and filenames I need a robust and simple.. to remove illegal characters from path and filenames I need a robust and simple way to remove illegal path.. from path and filenames I need a robust and simple way to remove illegal path and file characters from a simple..
Testing SMTP server is running via C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1633391/testing-smtp-server-is-running-via-c-sharp I could of course try try send email to nonsense@example.com catch log smtp is down There must be a more tidy way to.. mail later but it is a good indication. And here's a sample class Program static void Main string args using var client.. writer.WriteLine EHLO server writer.Flush Console.WriteLine reader.ReadLine GMail responds with 220 mx.google.com..
Make a BackgroundWorker do several operations sequentially without freezing the form http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1902384/make-a-backgroundworker-do-several-operations-sequentially-without-freezing-the program several times in a row but I have several problems with it It tried to simultaneously launch all the operations... launch all the operations. I have put an empty while bgwkSVN.IsBusy it kinda works but I'm pretty sure it will make.. but I'm pretty sure it will make some of you cry a little. It still freezes the form as long as all the operations are..
Nlog Callsite information http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5132759/nlog-callsite-information for logging I use a wrapper to call log methods my problem is if I try to print information about the call site callsite.. log. Is there any way to get the original method that called the wrapper method instead c# logging nlog share improve.. improve this question See my answer to this question Problem matching specific NLog logger name I have copied the example..
Strange string literal comparison http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8317054/strange-string-literal-comparison comparison Going deeper in C# I have encountered a little strange problem with object reference equality. Let says I have.. Going deeper in C# I have encountered a little strange problem with object reference equality. Let says I have two strings.. I have two strings String a Hello world String b Bonjour le monde bool equals ReferenceEquals a b 1 b Hello world equals..