c# Programming Glossary: learned
Catch multiple Exceptions at once? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/136035/catch-multiple-exceptions-at-once ex would not work So the correct answer is is . Yay learned two things with only one question o c# .net exception exception..
How to get timestamp of tick precision in .NET / C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1416139/how-to-get-timestamp-of-tick-precision-in-net-c to DateTime use StopWatch.Elapsed.Ticks . I just learned this the hard way. NOTE 2 Using the StopWatch approach I noticed..
How to decide between MonoTouch and Objective-C? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1583856/how-to-decide-between-monotouch-and-objective-c initial this is otherworldly reaction to Objective C I've learned to enjoy it quite a bit. I make fun of it a bit in talks it.. for a moment I love and use both. And I'm glad I learned the Apple stack first. It was easier for me to get up and running..
What are regular expression Balancing Groups? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17003799/what-are-regular-expression-balancing-groups Some resources that I found helpful when I first learned about them http blog.stevenlevithan.com archives balancing groups..
Does using “new” on a strict allocate it on the heap or stack? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/203695/does-using-new-on-a-strict-allocate-it-on-the-heap-or-stack for more details and a case where it doesn't apply. I've learned a lot in writing this answer please ask for clarification if..
What exactly is an “open generic type” in .NET? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2173107/what-exactly-is-an-open-generic-type-in-net 3 answers I was going through Asp.Net MVC lesson and learned that for a method to qualify as an action for a controller It..
How can I protect my .NET assemblies from decompilation? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2478230/how-can-i-protect-my-net-assemblies-from-decompilation assemblies from decompilation One if the first things I learned when I started with C# was the most important one. You can decompile..
What is the best way to build XML in C# code? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/284324/what-is-the-best-way-to-build-xml-in-c-sharp-code building XML using C#. Edit With the help of Shog9 I just learned about the community wiki feature and happily turned it on. If..
Can Unity be made to not throw SynchronizationLockException all the time? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2873767/can-unity-be-made-to-not-throw-synchronizationlockexception-all-the-time was not the same object it called SetValue on. The lesson learned is don't do anything during build up that could change an object's..
Can't operator == be applied to generic types in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/390900/cant-operator-be-applied-to-generic-types-in-c if a type defined one Edit 2 Through trial and error we learned that the operator will use the predefined reference comparison..
How do you get the index of the current iteration of a foreach loop? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/43021/how-do-you-get-the-index-of-the-current-iteration-of-a-foreach-loop language construct I haven't encountered like the few I've learned recently some on Stack Overflow in C# to get a value representing..
Should we select VB.NET or C# when upgrading our legacy applications? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/507291/should-we-select-vb-net-or-c-sharp-when-upgrading-our-legacy-applications like VB.Net &mdash even more so than C# &mdash and I learned to program using C . I think VB.Net gets a bad rap sometimes..
How do I create a real-time Excel automation add-in in C# using RtdServer? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5397607/how-do-i-create-a-real-time-excel-automation-add-in-in-c-sharp-using-rtdserver up a how to document that ties together all that I have learned. Kenny Kerr's Excel RTD Servers Minimal C# Implementation article..
What is the difference between const and readonly? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/55984/what-is-the-difference-between-const-and-readonly
What's the best way to learn C# quickly? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/72893/whats-the-best-way-to-learn-c-sharp-quickly start coding in C#. We've been asked to describe how we learned C#. I can't quite figure out how I learned. My only recommendation.. describe how we learned C#. I can't quite figure out how I learned. My only recommendation has been to check out MSDN Beginner..
How can I get WinForms to stop silently ignoring unhandled exceptions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7572995/how-can-i-get-winforms-to-stop-silently-ignoring-unhandled-exceptions know how to do this Update Just to update on things I have learned from the comments. This does appear to be a 64 bit issue with.. This does appear to be a 64 bit issue with windows as I learned from this question which I did not see before posting. In that..
When should I use double instead of decimal? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/803225/when-should-i-use-double-instead-of-decimal Edited to add Thanks for all the great responses I learned from them. One further question A few people made the point..