c# Programming Glossary: lastinputinfo
Check if an application is idle for a time period and lock it http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1541981/check-if-an-application-is-idle-for-a-time-period-and-lock-it namespace WindowsFormsApplication9 internal struct LASTINPUTINFO public uint cbSize public uint dwTime public partial class Form1.. User32.dll private static extern bool GetLastInputInfo ref LASTINPUTINFO Dummy DllImport Kernel32.dll private static extern uint GetLastError.. extern uint GetLastError public static uint GetIdleTime LASTINPUTINFO LastUserAction new LASTINPUTINFO LastUserAction.cbSize uint..
WPF inactivity and activity http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4963135/wpf-inactivity-and-activity user32.dll static extern bool GetLastInputInfo ref LASTINPUTINFO plii public static IdleTimeInfo GetIdleTimeInfo int systemUptime.. Environment.TickCount lastInputTicks 0 idleTicks 0 LASTINPUTINFO lastInputInfo new LASTINPUTINFO lastInputInfo.cbSize uint Marshal.SizeOf.. 0 idleTicks 0 LASTINPUTINFO lastInputInfo new LASTINPUTINFO lastInputInfo.cbSize uint Marshal.SizeOf lastInputInfo lastInputInfo.dwTime..