c# Programming Glossary: l2s
LINQ to SQL with stored procedures and user defined table type parameter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1019414/linq-to-sql-with-stored-procedures-and-user-defined-table-type-parameter SQL Server 2008. Everything work well except one problem. L2S cannot generate the method for the stored procedure with user..
How to Implement Repository FindAll() Method? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11261212/how-to-implement-repository-findall-method Entity entities _datasource.Entities replace with your L2S equivalent if criteria.Name null entities entities.Where e e.Name..
How should I handle my Entity/Domain Objects using IoC/Dependency Injection? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1405665/how-should-i-handle-my-entity-domain-objects-using-ioc-dependency-injection are on the right track don't let the name of the generated L2S classes fool you. They are not Entities in the DDD terminology.. Entities in your Domain Model and then map those to the L2S classes in the data access layer. It's a pain but AutoMapper..
Can you convince a DataContext to treat a column as always dirty? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1560513/can-you-convince-a-datacontext-to-treat-a-column-as-always-dirty audit code on a legacy system that I'm talking to with L2S imagine var ctx new SomeDataContext disposed etc keeping it..
LINQ To SQL exception with Attach(): Cannot add an entity with a key that is alredy in use http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1758214/linq-to-sql-exception-with-attach-cannot-add-an-entity-with-a-key-that-is-alr tier sends back the entity modified. the data layer using L2S must send the changes to SQL Server Consider this LINQ To SQL..
LINQ to SQL and a running total on ordered results http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1834753/linq-to-sql-and-a-running-total-on-ordered-results get set public decimal RunningTotal get set I would like a L2S or LINQ statement that could generate results that look like..
What is the intention of Ninject modules? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2056409/what-is-the-intention-of-ninject-modules new INinjectModule new LinqToSqlDataContextModule just my L2S binding new WebModule new EventRegistrationModule return new..