c# Programming Glossary: la
Get MIME type from filename extension http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1029740/get-mime-type-from-filename-extension msaccess.webapplication .accft application msaccess.ftemplate .acx application internet property stream .AddIn text xml.. application xml .asi application octet stream .asm text plain .asmx application xml .aspx application xml .asr video x ms.. .avi video x msvideo .axs application olescript .bas text plain .bcpio application x bcpio .bin application octet stream .bmp..
database login prompt with crystal reports http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1132314/database-login-prompt-with-crystal-reports login prompt with crystal reports I'm trying to display some report with some subreports inside it but every it shows.. void frmReporte_Load object sender System.EventArgs e Clave ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings Password .ToString NombreBD.. UsuarioBD crConnectionInfo.Password Clave foreach CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Table aTable..
How to remove illegal characters from path and filenames? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/146134/how-to-remove-illegal-characters-from-path-and-filenames System using System.IO namespace ConsoleApplication1 class Program static void Main string args string illegal M a.. Main string args string illegal M a ry h ad a li tt le la mb. illegal illegal.Trim Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars illegal.. like this instead string illegal M a ry h ad a li tt le la mb. string invalid new string Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars new..
Upload a folder by FTP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2252000/upload-a-folder-by-ftp entire directories. much less the option to MIR ror them a la Robocopy. Given a local folder C MyFolder and an FTP destination.. this question WinSCP might be suitable for you. It's available as single no install executable as portable executable has..
Localization: How to map culture info to a script name or Unicode character range? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/252662/localization-how-to-map-culture-info-to-a-script-name-or-unicode-character-rang with C# 2.0 which takes care of most of the localization related issues. However I need to manually draw the alphabets corresponding.. to the current culture on the screen in one particular screen. This would be similar to the Contacts screen in Microsoft.. on the screen in one particular screen. This would be similar to the Contacts screen in Microsoft Outlook Address Cards view..
Visualizing an AST created with ANTLR (in a .Net environment) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2856612/visualizing-an-ast-created-with-antlr-in-a-net-environment I'm now trying to create the grammar for my very own language and to generate an AST. For now I'm messing around in.. way to go from input grammar visual AST representation a la the Interpreter feature of ANTLRWorks. Any ideas c# antlr antlrworks.. any AST rewrite rules. What you can do is use StringTemplate to create a Graphviz DOT file . After creating such a DOT..
Dynamic Object Serialization http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3055461/dynamic-object-serialization Serialization I tried to serialize a DynamicObject class with BinaryFormatter but Output file is too big not exactly.. but Output file is too big not exactly wire friendly Circular References not handled stuck while serializing Since serializing.. a DynamicObject means very little by itself here's the class I tried to serialize Serializable class Entity DynamicObject..
SQLite .NET performance, how to speed up things? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4356363/sqlite-net-performance-how-to-speed-up-things topicId string documentNumber int rank double score Apre la connessione e imposta il comando connection.Open command.CommandText.. @Score score Ottieni il risultato e chiudi la connessione int retval command.ExecuteNonQuery connection.Close..
Text indexing algorithm http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4515099/text-indexing-algorithm index which is at the core of how search engines work a la Google . Apache Lucene is arguably the best library for inverted..
Basic Dual Contouring Theory http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6485908/basic-dual-contouring-theory is good.Has anyone used Dual contouring before and can explain it briefly c# javascript scripting terrain voxel share.. publications dualcontour dualcontour.pdf In particular the topology of the mesh is described in part 2.2 in the following.. Here is the code import numpy as np import numpy.linalg as la import scipy.optimize as opt import itertools as it #Cardinal..