

c# Programming Glossary: largeicon

Serialize a Bitmap in C#/.NET to XML


face. summary value The large icon. value public Bitmap LargeIcon get set I now have found out that serializing the Bitmap with.. I would do something like XmlIgnore public Bitmap LargeIcon get set Browsable false EditorBrowsable EditorBrowsableState.Never.. EditorBrowsable EditorBrowsableState.Never XmlElement LargeIcon public byte LargeIconSerialized get serialize if LargeIcon null..

.NET: is there a Click-and-drag “Desktop-Like” control?


of items I'm thinking something like a listview in LargeIcon mode but it allows you to drag the icons around to different.. public MyListView this.AllowDrop true this.View View.LargeIcon this.AutoArrange false this.DoubleBuffered true protected override..