c# Programming Glossary: labeled
How can I get an enum value from its description? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1033260/how-can-i-get-an-enum-value-from-its-description legacy code in another part of the system I have objects labeled with strings that match the enum descriptions. Given one of..
confused with the scope in c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1196941/confused-with-the-scope-in-c-sharp names i x and objX. You have five variables which I've labeled i1 x2 i3 objX3 and objX1. The outermost block that contains..
Variable declarations following if statements http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2496589/variable-declarations-following-if-statements the error Embedded statement cannot be a declaration or labeled statement because they had a declaration of a variable following.. more details . In general you can have these statements labeled statement my guess that this is for the old fashioned goto statement..
DateTime vs DateTimeOffset http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4331189/datetime-vs-datetimeoffset pointing from 4. There are cameras all over the world all labeled different things and all pointing at the same instantaneous..
How can I embed an application manifest into an application using VS2008? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4383288/how-can-i-embed-an-application-manifest-into-an-application-using-vs2008 to select your custom manifest file from the drop down box labeled Manifest . Finally for the sake of completeness or if the above..
How to enable/disable compile errors warning in Visual Studio http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4712058/how-to-enable-disable-compile-errors-warning-in-visual-studio Build and Run . On the right side you'll see a combo box labeled On Run when build or deployment errors occur . If you want to..
How do I extract attachments from a pdf file? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6305505/how-do-i-extract-attachments-from-a-pdf-file from either source the file itself will be in a stream labeled EF embedded file . So to list all the files at the document..
Does anyone still use [goto] in C# and if so why? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6545720/does-anyone-still-use-goto-in-c-sharp-and-if-so-why
Why this compile error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8823427/why-this-compile-error statement excludes the use of declaration statements and labeled statements in these contexts. The example void F bool b if b..