

c# Programming Glossary: immensely

How to add a linked file to a csproj file with MSBuild. (3.5 Framework)


helpful. But I appreciate any pointers or coded examples immensely. c# .net xml build msbuild share improve this question ..

When to use mocking versus faking in C# unit testing?


is very good. Nomenclature This podcast will help out immensely http www.hanselminutes.com default.aspx showID 187 I'll paraphrase..

Visual C++ versus Visual C# , which is the best to learn? [closed]


shoot yourself in the foot and it provides access to the immensely useful .NET framework. C# features that C doesn't have Fully..

Integer ID obfuscation techniques


PRNG after init with seed for a random byte. That way it's immensely more difficult even with a large sample to crack the encryption..

DownloadFileAsync multiple files using webclient


in a similar situation and this other solution helped me immensely. http stackoverflow.com a 6992743 507025 share improve this..

Database Deployment Strategies (SQL Server)


addition to our build and has streamlined the process immensely . I posted a comparison of the various migration frameworks..

How to write and send text to mIRC in C#/Win32?


I asked how to send text to Notepad . It helped me immensely. For part 2 here's a simplified version of the same applied..