

c# Programming Glossary: imagesource

Using Image control in WPF to display System.Drawing.Bitmap


can use the Source property of the image. Try this code... ImageSource imageSource new BitmapImage new Uri C FileName.gif image1.Source..

Convert System.Drawing.Icon to System.Media.ImageSource


System.Drawing.Icon to System.Media.ImageSource I've got an IntPtr marshaled across an unmanaged managed boundary.. with. So the WinForm has got to go. So how can I get an ImageSource version of an Icon Note I've tried ImageSourceConverter to no.. I get an ImageSource version of an Icon Note I've tried ImageSourceConverter to no avail. As an aside I can get the underlying resource..

WPF Button Mouseover Image


True Setter Property Background Setter.Value ImageBrush ImageSource Simon component Resources btn_bg_hover.jpg Setter.Value Setter.. Background TargetName border Setter.Value ImageBrush ImageSource Resources btn_bg_hover.jpg Setter.Value Setter Trigger .. True Setter Property Background Setter.Value ImageBrush ImageSource MyProjectName component Images MyImage.jpg Setter.Value Setter..

How do I display a Windows file icon in WPF?


... using Icon i Icon.FromHandle shinfo.hIcon ImageSource img Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHIcon i.Handle new Int32Rect..

Is there a good way to convert between BitmapSource and Bitmap?


operations in an WPF app. WPF wants to show BitmapSource ImageSource but AForge works on Bitmaps. c# .net wpf bitmap bitmapsource..

Can I get the icon associated with an installed printer through .Net?


its slightly different with WPF as you have to create an ImageSource from the extracted icon stream. How to Extract the Icon Associated..

How to access a specific item in a Listbox with DataTemplate?


Width 72 Height 72 Rectangle.OpacityMask ImageBrush ImageSource Images defaultContactImage.png Stretch UniformToFill Rectangle.OpacityMask..

How can I render text on a WriteableBitmap on a background thread, in Windows Phone 7?


work fine when it's running on the main thread public ImageSource RenderText string text double x double y var canvas new Canvas..

Attach ICommand in WPF UserControl


image to render. summary public static DependencyProperty ImageSourceProperty DependencyProperty.Register ButtonImage typeof ImageSource.. DependencyProperty.Register ButtonImage typeof ImageSource typeof ImageButton public static DependencyProperty TextProperty.. summary Gets or sets the button image. summary public ImageSource ButtonImage get return ImageSource GetValue ImageButton.ImageSourceProperty..

BitmapImage to byte[]


a BitmapImage or any of its base classes BitmapSource or ImageSource to a data repository c# .net wpf bitmapimage imagesource ..

Serialize a System.Windows.Media.ImageSource object


a System.Windows.Media.ImageSource object I am creating a chat application very basic. I establish.. be eassy to serialize that class. when I include a public ImageSource Img get set I am not able to serialize that class person any..

Using Image control in WPF to display System.Drawing.Bitmap


Source property of the image. Try this code... ImageSource imageSource new BitmapImage new Uri C FileName.gif image1.Source imageSource..

Binding Image.Source to String in WPF?


hBitmap bmp.GetHbitmap System.Windows.Media.ImageSource imageSource System.Windows.Interop.Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHBitmap.. Image wpfImage new Image wpfImage.Source imageSource wpfImage.Width wpfImage.Height 16 return wpfImage catch.. use public setter ImageSource source ImageSource imageSource public ImageSource ImageSource get return imageSource set ..

byte[] to BitmapImage in silverlight


this BitmapImage GetImage byte rawImageBytes BitmapImage imageSource null try using MemoryStream stream new MemoryStream rawImageBytes.. BitmapImage b new BitmapImage b.SetSource stream imageSource b catch System.Exception ex return imageSource share improve..