

c# Programming Glossary: imetadataexchange

WCF contract mismatch problem


endpoint address mex binding mexHttpBinding contract IMetadataExchange endpoint binding netTcpBinding bindingConfiguration MyBinding..

WCF Service Library with NetTcpBinding


endpoint address mex binding mexHttpBinding contract IMetadataExchange endpoint address Service binding netTcpBinding bindingConfiguration..

WCF: using streaming with Message Contracts


endpoint address mex binding mexHttpBinding contract IMetadataExchange service New fixed version service behaviorConfiguration serviceBehavior.. endpoint address mex binding mexHttpBinding contract IMetadataExchange service Still I can't say that the error message was helpful..

IIS WCF service hosting vs Windows Service


endpoint address mex binding mexHttpBinding contract IMetadataExchange service services In your IIS advenced setting your will put..

Could not find a base address that matches scheme net.tcp


endpoint address mex binding mexHttpBinding contract IMetadataExchange host baseAddresses add baseAddress net.tcp localhost 8001 project.. endpoint address mex binding mexTcpBinding contract IMetadataExchange host baseAddresses add baseAddress net.tcp localhost 2544.. mex binding mexTcpBinding bindingConfiguration contract IMetadataExchange name filetransfermex identity certificateReference storeName..

WCF Service 405 Method Not Allowed Exception


endpoint address mex binding mexHttpBinding contract IMetadataExchange service services behaviors serviceBehaviors behavior name ConnectivityBehavior..

The provided URI scheme 'https' is invalid; expected 'http'. Parameter name: via


endpoint address mex binding mexHttpBinding contract IMetadataExchange service ... bindings basicHttpBinding binding name defaultBasicHttpBinding..

Mysterious Problem in WCF and IIS?


endpoint address mex binding mexHttpBinding contract IMetadataExchange service services behaviors serviceBehaviors behavior name ServiceBehavior.. endpoint address mex binding mexHttpBinding contract IMetadataExchange service services behaviors serviceBehaviors behavior name ServiceBehavior..

WCF Service Proxy throws exception when more than one parameter is used in [OperationContract] method


mexBehavior host.AddServiceEndpoint typeof IMetadataExchange MetadataExchangeBindings.CreateMexHttpBinding endPoint.Uri.AbsoluteUri..

Is it possible to make the WcfTestClient work for custom transport channels?


endpoint address mex binding mexHttpBinding contract IMetadataExchange service services bindings server bindings sampleProfileUdpBinding..

WCF Service Client: The content type text/html; charset=utf-8 of the response message does not match the content type of the binding


endpoint address mex binding mexHttpBinding contract IMetadataExchange host baseAddresses add baseAddress http example.com baseAddresses..

Large Binary (byte[]) File transfer through WCF


endpoint address mex binding mexHttpBinding contract IMetadataExchange service services behaviors serviceBehaviors behavior name DragDrop.Service.ServiceBehavior..

Large WCF web service request failing with (400) HTTP Bad Request


endpoint address mex binding mexHttpBinding contract IMetadataExchange service services bindings wsHttpBinding binding name MyService.MyServiceBinding..