c# Programming Glossary: forgotten
Is it bad to not unregister event handlers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1061727/is-it-bad-to-not-unregister-event-handlers collected and would still fire events on it even if you've forgotten about it and perhaps Disposed it . For example this is a problem..
Getting started with socket programming in C# - Best practices http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1162950/getting-started-with-socket-programming-in-c-sharp-best-practices while not having your server die outright. I probably have forgotten a whole bunch of other important suggestions but this should..
Using .Net 4.5 Async Feature for Socket Programming http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12630827/using-net-4-5-async-feature-for-socket-programming listener.Start just fire and forget. We break from the forgotten async loops in AcceptClientsAsync using a CancellationToken.. and forget and use the CancellationToken to signal to the forgotten async invocation. EchoAsync client clientCounter ct async Task..
How to kill a C# process? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1642231/how-to-kill-a-c-sharp-process out which program that is accessing the file. Have you forgotten to exit one of your own applications or are there any other..
Why .NET String is immutable? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2365272/why-net-string-is-immutable pretending something is its own copy is safe. Edit I'd forgotten this one . Internal state can be safely shared between objects...
How do I properly close a winforms application in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2414244/how-do-i-properly-close-a-winforms-application-in-c the processes list in the Task Manager. I figure I must've forgotten a step since it's my first winforms program. c# winforms exit..
How do I use HttpWebRequest with GET method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/253549/how-do-i-use-httpwebrequest-with-get-method exception as well. Answer The above code now works I had forgotten to take out the Content Type line which was causing the exception..
Windows App spellcheck http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2723995/windows-app-spellcheck a parsed file from a user at Wiktionary I seem to have forgotten his name though... and this file english.txt in english.zip..
simultaneous read-write a file in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3817477/simultaneous-read-write-a-file-in-c-sharp This should work. The first time I tried it I think I had forgotten to set FileMode.Append on the oStream. string test foo.txt var..
Scope of variables in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3979493/scope-of-variables-in-c-sharp back to the beginning of the scope just to declared a forgotten variable and then move back. This isn't faster or slower. Variables..
GetEntryAssembly for web applications http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4277692/getentryassembly-for-web-applications 1 Are my assembly validation conditions enough I may have forgotten cases 2 Is there a way from a given code generated assembly..
How can I create a Product Key for my C# App http://stackoverflow.com/questions/453030/how-can-i-create-a-product-key-for-my-c-sharp-app the support costs of having to deal with users who have forgotten their key etc. edit I just want to add don't invest too much..
Get list of local computer usernames in Windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5247798/get-list-of-local-computer-usernames-in-windows . I used it a couple years ago without issue but had forgotten where it came from thanks Keith. share improve this answer..
Calling null on a class vs Dispose() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/574019/calling-null-on-a-class-vs-dispose up resources in the case where the user of the type has forgotten to dispose of it in an orderly manner. So if you open a FileStream..
How to use HTTP GET request in C# with SSL? (protocol violation) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/708210/how-to-use-http-get-request-in-c-sharp-with-ssl-protocol-violation reader.ReadToEnd UPDATE Sorry I seem to have forgotten what the error is. I'm getting a protocol violation exception..