

c# Programming Glossary: formatstring

named String.Format, is it possible? C#


will do it static string FormatFromDictionary this string formatString Dictionary string string ValueDict int i 0 StringBuilder newFormatString.. int i 0 StringBuilder newFormatString new StringBuilder formatString Dictionary string int keyToInt new Dictionary string int foreach..

How to Conditionally Format a String in .Net?


string valueList String.Join values.ToArray string formatString if items.Count 0 this could easily be if String.IsNullOrEmpty.. 0 this could easily be if String.IsNullOrEmpty itemList formatString Items 0 Values 1 else formatString Values 1 return String.Format.. itemList formatString Items 0 Values 1 else formatString Values 1 return String.Format formatString itemList valueList..

html helpers for 'decimal' type and formatting?


model Expression Func TEntity Decimal property string formatString decimal dec property.Compile .Invoke model Here you can format.. format value as you wish var value string.IsNullOrEmpty formatString dec.Value.ToString formatString dec.Value.ToString var.. string.IsNullOrEmpty formatString dec.Value.ToString formatString dec.Value.ToString var name ExpressionParseHelper.GetPropertyPath..

C# HttpWebRequest website sign in


Concat the string data which will be submit string formatString txtUserName 0 txtPassword 1 btnSignIn 2 __VIEWSTATE 3 __EVENTVALIDATION.. 3 __EVENTVALIDATION 4 string postString string.Format formatString userName password submitButton viewState eventValidation Convert..