c# Programming Glossary: forget
What is AsyncCallback? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1047662/what-is-asynccallback without blocking int numBytes strm.EndRead result Don't forget to close the stream strm.Close Console.WriteLine Read 0 Bytes..
Easier way to start debugging a windows service in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/125964/easier-way-to-start-debugging-a-windows-service-in-c-sharp that line is reached it will drop me back to VS. Don't forget to remove that line when you are done. UPDATE As an alternative..
How to decide between MonoTouch and Objective-C? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1583856/how-to-decide-between-monotouch-and-objective-c Interface Builder and although you don't get to completely forget about memory management you get a nice degree of leeway. If..
Is it better to return null or empty collection? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1969993/is-it-better-to-return-null-or-empty-collection talking about properties always set your property once and forget it public List Foo Foos public get private set public Bar Foos..
Is it considered acceptable to not call Dispose() on a TPL Task object? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3734280/is-it-considered-acceptable-to-not-call-dispose-on-a-tpl-task-object going to come back and bite me when I'm doing lots of fire forget tasks like this and the finalizer thread gets overwhelmed So.. that I've missed Or is there another way of doing fire forget tasks with the TPL c# .net multithreading dispose task parallel..
When should I dispose of a data context http://stackoverflow.com/questions/389822/when-should-i-dispose-of-a-data-context
Best way to implement keyboard shortcuts in a Windows Forms application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/400113/best-way-to-implement-keyboard-shortcuts-in-a-windows-forms-application shortcuts share improve this question You probably forget to set the form's KeyPreview property to True. Overriding the..
How can I create a Product Key for my C# App http://stackoverflow.com/questions/453030/how-can-i-create-a-product-key-for-my-c-sharp-app just make it difficult enough that an honest user will not forget to pay. Also be very careful that your scheme does not become..
Is EndInvoke() optional, sort-of optional, or definitely not optional? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/532722/is-endinvoke-optional-sort-of-optional-or-definitely-not-optional call. Control.EndInvoke is OK to ignore for fire and forget methods from msdn You can call EndInvoke to retrieve the return..
Proper use of the IDisposable interface http://stackoverflow.com/questions/538060/proper-use-of-the-idisposable-interface descends from an object that implements Dispose then don't forget to call their base Dispose method when you overrode Dispose..
How can I insert an image into a RichTextBox? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/542850/how-can-i-insert-an-image-into-a-richtextbox which you can insert in the RTF code of a document. Don't forget the closing Next you get the RTF code from your RichTextBox..
Calling null on a class vs Dispose() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/574019/calling-null-on-a-class-vs-dispose it in an orderly manner. So if you open a FileStream but forget to call Dispose or Close the finalizer will eventually release..
Pan & Zoom Image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/741956/pan-zoom-image border tt.X origin.X v.X tt.Y origin.Y v.Y Finally don't forget to release the mouse capture. private void image_MouseLeftButtonUp..
Do you say No to C# Regions? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/755465/do-you-say-no-to-c-sharp-regions on the type of application and also your mood. Also don't forget there are other ways to organize your code such as partial classes..
How can I strip HTML tags from a string in ASP.NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/785715/how-can-i-strip-html-tags-from-a-string-in-asp-net as well. Replace ^ with the empty string globally. Don't forget to normalize the string afterwards replacing s r n with a single..
Best way to really grok Java-ME for a C# guy [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/90578/best-way-to-really-grok-java-me-for-a-c-sharp-guy like Integer Float Double etc. That's it. Don't forget to see the original link there's a more detailed discussion...
How can I detect the encoding/codepage of a text file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/90838/how-can-i-detect-the-encoding-codepage-of-a-text-file Most Important Fact About Encodings If you completely forget everything I just explained please remember one extremely important..
Why is Application.Restart() not reliable? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/95098/why-is-application-restart-not-reliable that the method doesn't work rather many times programmers forget that they've put something in their code that would stop the..
ExecuteReader requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is Connecting http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9705637/executereader-requires-an-open-and-available-connection-the-connections-curren what might have gone wrong and how do I fix it Edit Not to forget my connection string and connection are both in static. I believe..