c# Programming Glossary: formatexception
How can I convert String to Int? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1019793/how-can-i-convert-string-to-int the need to use exception handling to test for a FormatException in the event that s is invalid and cannot be successfully parsed...
C#: Test if string is a guid without throwing exceptions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/104850/c-test-if-string-is-a-guid-without-throwing-exceptions s out Guid value try value new Guid s return true catch FormatException value Guid.Empty return false is not suitable. I would try.. invalid Update 1 ChristianK had a good idea to catch only FormatException rather than all. Changed the question's code sample to include.. converting 10 000 good Guids and 10 000 bad Guids. Catch FormatException 10 000 good 63 668 ticks 10 000 bad 6 435 609 ticks Regex Pre..
XML serialization of interface property http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1333864/xml-serialization-of-interface-property XmlReader reader if reader.HasAttributes throw new FormatException expected a type attribute string type reader.GetAttribute type..
How do I parse a string with a decimal point to a double? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1354924/how-do-i-parse-a-string-with-a-decimal-point-to-a-double throws a FormatException . Now my computer's locale is set to German wherein a comma..
Catch multiple Exceptions at once? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/136035/catch-multiple-exceptions-at-once code for example try WebId new Guid queryString web catch FormatException WebId Guid.Empty catch OverflowException WebId Guid.Empty I.. be my Function because I thought Hey I only want to catch FormatException because that's the only thing I expect . But that's not how.. and switch on the types catch Exception ex if ex is FormatException ex is OverflowException WebId Guid.Empty return throw share..
Parsing Performance (If, TryParse, Try-Catch) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/150114/parsing-performance-if-tryparse-try-catch input int value 0 try value Int32.Parse input catch FormatException value 1 we would do something here with a logger perhaps stopwatch.Stop..
Convert string to DateTime in c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1592653/convert-string-to-datetime-in-c-sharp I have tried Convert.ToDateTime ... but got a FormatException . c# string datetime share improve this question Try this..
Is there a reason Image.FromFile throws an OutOfMemoryException for an invalid image format? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2610416/is-there-a-reason-image-fromfile-throws-an-outofmemoryexception-for-an-invalid-i throws a new more intuitive exception ... exception cref FormatException The file does not have a valid image format. exception public.. filename catch OutOfMemoryException ex throw new FormatException The file does not have a valid image format. ex Is this code..
Convert any currency string to double http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2753701/convert-any-currency-string-to-double This doesn't ever seem to work it always throws a FormatException . Even removing the currency symbol and just trying to do this..
Get output parameter value in ADO.NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/290652/get-output-parameter-value-in-ado-net name outputIdParam.Value cmd.Parameters @ID .Value Throws FormatException int idFromString int.Parse outputIdParam.Value.ToString Throws..
What do the “+n” values mean at the end of a method name in a stack trace? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/305244/what-do-the-n-values-mean-at-the-end-of-a-method-name-in-a-stack-trace name in a stack trace When reading a stack trace like FormatException Input string was not in a correct format. System.Number.StringToNumber..
How to get *internet* IP? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/515436/how-to-get-internet-ip return findMatch addresses gateway catch FormatException e return null static string getInternetGateway using Process.. to show how to use the other methods. Updated to catch FormatException if getInternetGateway failed to parse the gateway IP. This can..
c# regex email validation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5342375/c-sharp-regex-email-validation m new MailAddress emailaddress return true catch FormatException return false This saves you a lot af headaches because you..
Which exceptions shouldn't I catch? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7152354/which-exceptions-shouldnt-i-catch Vexing fix the bug that caused exception FormatException from by catching exception because Guid constructor the framework..