c# Programming Glossary: fontsize
Creating Excel document with OpenXml sdk 2.0 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1012547/creating-excel-document-with-openxml-sdk-2-0 with the default new Stylesheet new Fonts new Font new FontSize Val 10D new Color Theme UInt32Value 1U new FontName Val Arial.. the Counts too new Stylesheet new Fonts new Font new FontSize Val 10D new Color Theme UInt32Value 1U new FontName Val Arial.. Val Arial new FontFamilyNumbering Val 2 new Font new FontSize Val 12D new Color Theme UInt32Value 1U new FontName Val Arial..
How to export a JQgrid data to Excel using c#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13954966/how-to-export-a-jqgrid-data-to-excel-using-c new Fonts Index 0 The default font. new Font new FontSize Val 11 new Color Rgb new HexBinaryValue Value 00000000 new.. Calibri Index 1 The bold font. new Font new Bold new FontSize Val 11 new Color Rgb new HexBinaryValue Value 00000000 new..
Storyboards cant find ControlTemplate elments http://stackoverflow.com/questions/151752/storyboards-cant-find-controltemplate-elments Button.Resources DockPanel TextBlock x Name TextContent FontSize 28 Foreground White Test TextBlock DockPanel Button Any suggestions..
How to set different HorizontalAlignment to ListBoxItems http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15400583/how-to-set-different-horizontalalignment-to-listboxitems Right Grid Background Blue TextBlock Text Help me please FontSize 30 Grid ListBoxItem ListBoxItem HorizontalAlignment Left Grid.. Left Grid Background Red TextBlock Text What do you want FontSize 30 Grid ListBoxItem ListBoxItem HorizontalAlignment Right Grid.. Grid Background Blue TextBlock Text I want a ListBox FontSize 30 Grid ListBoxItem ListBoxItem HorizontalAlignment Left Grid..
How do I make my form transparent, but what I draw on it not? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1541837/how-do-i-make-my-form-transparent-but-what-i-draw-on-it-not HorizontalAlignment Center VerticalAlignment Center FontSize 20 FontWeight Bold Hello World TextBlock Grid Now obviously..
C# Metro (XAML) : Designing the page for any (% of the) screen http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20708957/c-sharp-metro-xaml-designing-the-page-for-any-of-the-screen DataTemplate StackPanel TextBlock Text Binding Title FontSize 24 Margin 5 0 0 0 TextWrapping Wrap TextBlock Text Binding.. 0 0 0 TextWrapping Wrap TextBlock Text Binding Duration FontSize 16 Margin 15 0 0 0 StackPanel DataTemplate ListView.ItemTemplate..
tips on developing resolution independent application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3193339/tips-on-developing-resolution-independent-application Center HorizontalAlignment Center Height 150 TextBlock FontSize 20 Text Hello World Margin 5 VerticalAlignment Top HorizontalAlignment..
WPF - Making Part of the Text Bold http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5263055/wpf-making-part-of-the-text-bold need to use Inlines TextBlock.Inlines Run FontWeight Bold FontSize 14 Text This is WPF TextBlock Example. Run FontStyle Italic..
How can I render text on a WriteableBitmap on a background thread, in Windows Phone 7? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5666772/how-can-i-render-text-on-a-writeablebitmap-on-a-background-thread-in-windows-ph sizes you require. The code assumes they're named FontName FontSize .png and FontName FontSize .xml add them to your project and.. assumes they're named FontName FontSize .png and FontName FontSize .xml add them to your project and set the build action to content...
WPF Styles/Template inheritance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7070421/wpf-styles-template-inheritance Setter Property FontFamily Value Arial Setter Property FontSize Value 13 Setter Property FontWeight Value Bold Setter Property..
How to override MeasureOverride to find the size of ItemsControl http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8844994/how-to-override-measureoverride-to-find-the-size-of-itemscontrol Center Text Binding ControlName VerticalAlignment Center FontSize 13 FontWeight Bold Foreground Beige Grid Grid Name gridpr Grid.Row.. SubItems VerticalAlignment Center Foreground #FF584848 FontSize 12 ItemsControl x Name pitems ItemsSource Binding MyItems ..
c# itextsharp PDF creation with watermark on each page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2372041/c-sharp-itextsharp-pdf-creation-with-watermark-on-each-page void OnStartPage PdfWriter writer Document document float fontSize 80 float xPosition 300 float yPosition 400 float angle 45 try.. BaseColor.LIGHT_GRAY under.SetFontAndSize baseFont fontSize under.ShowTextAligned PdfContentByte.ALIGN_CENTER watermarkText..
WPF equivalent to TextRenderer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/824281/wpf-equivalent-to-textrenderer FontWeight fontWeight FontStretch fontStretch double fontSize FormattedText ft new FormattedText text CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.. Typeface fontFamily fontStyle fontWeight fontStretch fontSize Brushes.Black return new Size ft.Width ft.Height summary.. FontWeight fontWeight FontStretch fontStretch double fontSize Typeface typeface new Typeface fontFamily fontStyle fontWeight..