c# Programming Glossary: foobar
Should I always return IEnumerable<T> instead of IList<T>? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1072614/should-i-always-return-ienumerablet-instead-of-ilistt I always make my return statement public IEnumerable FooBar GetRecentItems or public IList FooBar GetRecentItems Currently.. public IEnumerable FooBar GetRecentItems or public IList FooBar GetRecentItems Currently in my code I have been trying to use..
C# Language Speculation 4.5 / 5.0 [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1197709/c-sharp-language-speculation-4-5-5-0 what I've gathered so far Simplified class instantiation FooBar Foo new Rumored to be in one of the next versions of the language...
Why Doesn't C# Allow Static Methods to Implement an Interface? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/259026/why-doesnt-c-sharp-allow-static-methods-to-implement-an-interface in both a static and instance context so I'll spare you a FooBar blob and take it as an indication that it might not be a good..
How to suppress XML tag for list property http://stackoverflow.com/questions/314242/how-to-suppress-xml-tag-for-list-property removed unnecessary public class Foo protected List FooBar fooBars new List FooBar public virtual List FooBar FooBars get.. public class Foo protected List FooBar fooBars new List FooBar public virtual List FooBar FooBars get return fooBars set fooBars.. List FooBar fooBars new List FooBar public virtual List FooBar FooBars get return fooBars set fooBars value Serializable removed..
MVC Razor view nested foreach's model http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8894442/mvc-razor-view-nested-foreachs-model a more complicated example like model model.Foo.Bar.Baz.FooBar it might generate input name Foo.Bar.Baz.FooBar value whatever.. it might generate input name Foo.Bar.Baz.FooBar value whatever FooBar is Make sense It is not just the work.. generate input name Foo.Bar.Baz.FooBar value whatever FooBar is Make sense It is not just the work that the Func does but..
C# implementation of deep/recursive object comparison in .net 3.5 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1539989/c-sharp-implementation-of-deep-recursive-object-comparison-in-net-3-5
When using object initializers, why does the compiler generate an extra local variable? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1679780/when-using-object-initializers-why-does-the-compiler-generate-an-extra-local-va void Main string args Class1 class1 new Class1 class1.Foo fooBar Class2 class2 new Class2 Foo fooBar2 Console.WriteLine class1.Foo.. Class1 class1.Foo fooBar Class2 class2 new Class2 Foo fooBar2 Console.WriteLine class1.Foo Console.WriteLine class2.Foo.. .ctor L_0005 stloc.0 L_0006 ldloc.0 L_0007 ldstr fooBar L_000c callvirt instance void ClassLibrary1.Class1 set_Foo string..
Set Timeout For Controller Action http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6184752/set-timeout-for-controller-action called by the client's .post JavaScript var link 'GetFoo fooBar ' fooBar var jqxhr .post link function response '#myDiv' .replaceWith.. by the client's .post JavaScript var link 'GetFoo fooBar ' fooBar var jqxhr .post link function response '#myDiv' .replaceWith.. response Controller public ViewResult GetFoo String fooBar if Request.IsAjaxRequest perform a ridiculously long task ~12..
Why is .NET exception not caught by try/catch block? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/36014/why-is-net-exception-not-caught-by-try-catch-block 3.1.exe TestAntlr_3._1.Program.ParseTest string Text foobar Line 49 0x9 bytes C# TestAntlr 3.1.exe TestAntlr_3._1.Program.Main.. 3.1.exe TestAntlr_3._1.Program.ParseTest string Text foobar Line 49 0x9 bytes C# TestAntlr 3.1.exe TestAntlr_3._1.Program.Main..
C# RichTextBox selection problem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3678620/c-sharp-richtextbox-selection-problem ish if I'm not mistaken. e.g. the text is Just another foobar what I want to select is Just ano ther foo bar the thing between.. thing between the what is actually selected Just another foobar The problem is just with mouse selecting if I select text with..
C# WebRequest using Cookies http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4158448/c-sharp-webrequest-using-cookies request HttpWebRequest WebRequest.Create http www.url.com foobar request.CookieContainer myContainer share improve this answer..
How do I implement .net plugins without using AppDomains? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/458699/how-do-i-implement-net-plugins-without-using-appdomains if loadedAssembly.FullName foobar Version Culture neutral PublicKeyToken null assembly.. studybin System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes @ C pathToAssembly foobar.dll assembly Assembly.Load studybin Note that if you are trying..
DataGridView bound to a Dictionary http://stackoverflow.com/questions/854953/datagridview-bound-to-a-dictionary if a new entry is added to the dictionary prices.Add foobar 234.56M bList.ResetBindings I thought that would refresh the..