c# Programming Glossary: footer
Filter is getting lost in WebGrid + Paging + Sorting + Filtering in .NET 4.0 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10051794/filter-is-getting-lost-in-webgrid-paging-sorting-filtering-in-net-4-0 @grid.GetHtml tableStyle fancyTable headerStyle header footerStyle footer rowStyle row alternatingRowStyle alt mode WebGridPagerModes.Numeric.. tableStyle fancyTable headerStyle header footerStyle footer rowStyle row alternatingRowStyle alt mode WebGridPagerModes.Numeric..
iTextSharp Creating a Footer Page # of # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1032614/itextsharp-creating-a-footer-page-of Creating a Footer Page # of # I'm trying to create a footer on each of the pages in a PDF document using iTextSharp in the..
ASP.Net Version/Build Number http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1168279/asp-net-version-build-number the data and assign to a string value so I can show in the footer of the webpage c# .net asp.net share improve this question..
MVC 4 Edit modal form using Bootstrap http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16011151/mvc-4-edit-modal-form-using-bootstrap model model.LastName div div div class modal footer button class btn btn inverse type submit Save button div c#.. . This contains the modal header body and footer. It also contains the Ajax form. It's strongly typed and takes.. .ControlGroup .TextBoxFor x x.Age div div class modal footer button class btn btn inverse type submit Save button div Now..
How can I programatically use C# to append multiple DOCX files together? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/247666/how-can-i-programatically-use-c-sharp-to-append-multiple-docx-files-together special markups like bullets and images. Header and footer information will be stripped out so those won't be around to..
What would be the fastest way to concatenate three files in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/444309/what-would-be-the-fastest-way-to-concatenate-three-files-in-c concatenate 3 files using C#. A header file content and a footer file but I want to do this as cool as it can be done. Cool really..
How to convert a string to RTF in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4795709/how-to-convert-a-string-to-rtf-in-c question Doesn't RichTextBox always have the same header footer You could just read the content based on off set location and..
C# Async Sockets Server Receive Problems http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5934469/c-sharp-async-sockets-server-receive-problems message have arrived. The most common methods are Add a footer for instance an empty line which indicates end of message Add..
Can I set up HTML/Email Templates with ASP.NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/620265/can-i-set-up-html-email-templates-with-asp-net number of emails. I want to set up both header and footer text or maybe even templates to allow the users to easily edit.. about escaping. Including flat files for the header and footer might work but something about it just doesn't feel right. What..
System crashing when the print button is clicked http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6953471/system-crashing-when-the-print-button-is-clicked CreatePage Section section _document.AddSection Create footer Paragraph paragraph section.Footers.Primary.AddParagraph paragraph.AddText..
Resizing a Single Control In WinForms http://stackoverflow.com/questions/770094/resizing-a-single-control-in-winforms controls in any layout configuration in those header and footer panels. This kind of composite form building using docked panels..
ASP.NET MVC3 jQuery mobile page's Ajax code binding using PageInit event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7724959/asp-net-mvc3-jquery-mobile-pages-ajax-code-binding-using-pageinit-event BodyScriptsSection required false div div data role footer data position fixed @RenderSection MobileFooter required false..
What's the best way to call a modal dialog in ASP.NET MVC using Twitter Bootstrap? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8093633/whats-the-best-way-to-call-a-modal-dialog-in-asp-net-mvc-using-twitter-bootstra @Html.ValidationMessageFor x x.Bar div div div class modal footer button class btn data dismiss modal aria hidden true Undo button..
HttpWebRequest & Native GZip Compression http://stackoverflow.com/questions/839888/httpwebrequest-native-gzip-compression errors System.IO.InvalidDataException The CRC in GZip footer does not match the CRC calculated from the decompressed data..
SelectNodes with XPath ignoring cases http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9804281/selectnodes-with-xpath-ignoring-cases in a HTML page all the nodes with id contains the text footer ignoring it's write in uppercase or lowercase. In my example.. my example i have a different html text like this div id footer some text div div id anotherfooter some text div div id AnotherFooter.. text like this div id footer some text div div id anotherfooter some text div div id AnotherFooter some text div div id AnotherFooterAgain..
iTextSharp Creating a Footer Page # of # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1032614/itextsharp-creating-a-footer-page-of Creating a Footer Page # of # I'm trying to create a footer on each of the pages..
Add Header and Footer to an existing empty word document with OpenXML SDK 2.0 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11672991/add-header-and-footer-to-an-existing-empty-word-document-with-openxml-sdk-2-0 Header and Footer to an existing empty word document with OpenXML SDK 2.0 I'm.. with OpenXML SDK 2.0 I'm trying to add a Header and Footer to an empty word document. I use this code to add Header part.. newHeaderReference new HeaderReference Id rId Type HeaderFooterValues.First sectProperties.Append newHeaderReference Save..
How to convert a string to RTF in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4795709/how-to-convert-a-string-to-rtf-in-c formatting specify the size is 17 17 being in half points Footer par is specifying that it's the end of a paragraph. Hopefully..