c# Programming Glossary: catalog
The name 'ConfigurationManager' does not exist in the current context http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1274852/the-name-configurationmanager-does-not-exist-in-the-current-context connection string quot Data Source localhost Initial Catalog qbank Persist Security Info True User ID Password MultipleActiveResultSets..
ADO.NET |DataDirectory| where is this documented? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1409358/ado-net-datadirectory-where-is-this-documented . SQLDB AttachDbFilename C MyDB Database.mdf Initial Catalog Master you do the following Set DataDirectory value AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetData..
encrypt SQL connectionstring c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2160515/encrypt-sql-connectionstring-c-sharp con.ConnectionString Data Source server1 Initial Catalog mydatabase Integrated Security no User ID admin Password mypassword..
The underlying provider failed on Open http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2475008/the-underlying-provider-failed-on-open connection string quot Data Source . SQL2008 Initial Catalog NData Integrated Security True Connect Timeout 30 User Instance..
How to catch SQLServer timeout exceptions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/29664/how-to-catch-sqlserver-timeout-exceptions Library DBMSSOCN Data Source YourServer 1433 Initial Catalog YourDB Integrated Security SSPI sql.Open SqlCommand cmd sql.CreateCommand..
How do I execute a large SQL script (with GO commands) from c#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/40814/how-do-i-execute-a-large-sql-script-with-go-commands-from-c Security SSPI Persist Security Info True Initial Catalog Northwind Data Source local DirectoryInfo di new DirectoryInfo..
Entity Framework Timeouts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6232633/entity-framework-timeouts connection string quot Data Source trekdevbox Initial Catalog StarTrekDatabase Persist Security Info True User ID JamesTKirk..
VS2005 C# Programmatically change connection string contained in app.config http://stackoverflow.com/questions/63546/vs2005-c-sharp-programmatically-change-connection-string-contained-in-app-config data source Integrated Security SSPI Initial Catalog aspnetdb System.Data.SqlClient Get the connection strings section...
How to execute an .SQL script file using c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/650098/how-to-execute-an-sql-script-file-using-c-sharp Security SSPI Persist Security Info False Initial Catalog ccwebgrity Data Source SURAJIT SQLEXPRESS FileInfo file new..
Get connection string from App.config http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6536715/get-connection-string-from-app-config add name Test connectionString Data Source . Initial Catalog OmidPayamak IntegratedSecurity True providerName System.Data.SqlClient..
Query extremely slow in code but fast in SSMS http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7637907/query-extremely-slow-in-code-but-fast-in-ssms Data Source backend.example.com Connect Timeout 5 Initial Catalog Logs Persist Security Info True User ID backendAPI Password..
Calling ASMX from jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/879362/calling-asmx-from-jquery test page I created calling an ASMX page. WebMethod public Catalog GetCatalog Catalog catalog new Catalog 1 Catalog cat new Catalog.. created calling an ASMX page. WebMethod public Catalog GetCatalog Catalog catalog new Catalog 1 Catalog cat new Catalog cat.Author.. calling an ASMX page. WebMethod public Catalog GetCatalog Catalog catalog new Catalog 1 Catalog cat new Catalog cat.Author Jim..
Web app blocked while processing another web app on sharing same session http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9426673/web-app-blocked-while-processing-another-web-app-on-sharing-same-session Application Name Portal data source localhost Initial Catalog ASPState User ID sa Password dev2005 cookieless false compressionEnabled..
OData with ServiceStack? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9577938/odata-with-servicestack query from Netflix's OData api http odata.netflix.com Catalog Titles filter Type 20eq 20'Movie' 20and 20 Rating 20eq 20'G'..
MVC 4 Web Api IIS7.5 HTTP 404 Page Not Found http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9703090/mvc-4-web-api-iis7-5-http-404-page-not-found connectionString Data Source . SQLEXPRESS Initial Catalog aspnet FlowGearProxy 20123141219 Integrated Security True providerName..
NHibernate.Spatial and Sql 2008 Geography type - How to configure http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1495169/nhibernate-spatial-and-sql-2008-geography-type-how-to-configure SRIDs displayed in the sys.spatial_reference_systems catalog view. System.ArgumentException at Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.SqlGeography.set_Srid..
MEF Constructor Injection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2008133/mef-constructor-injection is the code that i use to import the assemblies. try var catalog new AggregateCatalog catalog.Catalogs.Add new AssemblyCatalog.. the assemblies. try var catalog new AggregateCatalog catalog.Catalogs.Add new AssemblyCatalog System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly.. System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly catalog.Catalogs.Add new DirectoryCatalog DI var container new CompositionContainer..
How to deal with XML in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/220867/how-to-deal-with-xml-in-c-sharp String.Empty new XComment Xml Document new XElement catalog new XElement book new XAttribute id bk001 new XElement title.. new XElement title Book Title creates Xml Document catalog book id bk001 title Book Title title book catalog All else fails.. Document catalog book id bk001 title Book Title title book catalog All else fails you can check out this MSDN article that has..
Check if Database Exists Before Creating http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2232227/check-if-database-exists-before-creating 2005 the old style sysobjects and sysdatabases and those catalog views have been deprecated. Do this instead use the sys. schema..
What is the worst gotcha in C# or .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/241134/what-is-the-worst-gotcha-in-c-sharp-or-net number of times before so I thought it would be useful to catalog the worst C# gotchas. c# .net share improve this question..
Remove surrounding whitespace from an image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/248141/remove-surrounding-whitespace-from-an-image Is this possible As an example http www.5dnet.de media catalog product d r dress_shoes_5.jpg I don't want all white pixels..
Invert “if” statement to reduce nesting http://stackoverflow.com/questions/268132/invert-if-statement-to-reduce-nesting normalPayAmount I've picked this code from the refactoring catalog . This specific refactoring is called Replace Nested Conditional..
Validate a UK phone number [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32401/validate-a-uk-phone-number share improve this question There is a good searchable catalog of regular expressions at the Regular Expression Library . There..
Path.Combine for Urls? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/372865/path-combine-for-urls
Top level domain from URL in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4643227/top-level-domain-from-url-in-c-sharp requests on our IIS 6.0 servers and I want to log and catalog these by domain. Eg. we get some strange requests like these..
connection string to a SQL Server cluster http://stackoverflow.com/questions/751634/connection-string-to-a-sql-server-cluster want to establish trusted connection to a database initial catalog of the specific instance of a SQL Server cluster. I find for..
What type of collection should I use? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8623477/what-type-of-collection-should-i-use the other field is a decimal value. This is like a product catalog with product names and the price of each product. What I need..
Calling ASMX from jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/879362/calling-asmx-from-jquery an ASMX page. WebMethod public Catalog GetCatalog Catalog catalog new Catalog 1 Catalog cat new Catalog cat.Author Jim cat.BookName.. cat new Catalog cat.Author Jim cat.BookName His Book catalog.SetValue cat 0 return catalog script type text javascript document.. Jim cat.BookName His Book catalog.SetValue cat 0 return catalog script type text javascript document .ready function .ajax type..
OData with ServiceStack? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9577938/odata-with-servicestack that speaks SQL. Update Netflix has just retired its OData catalog effective on April 8 2013 . Added new answer on why we recommend..