c# Programming Glossary: cassini
How do you impersonate an Active Directory user in Powershell? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11806/how-do-you-impersonate-an-active-directory-user-in-powershell on Exchange 2007. When I run the page using Visual Studio Cassini the page loads up correctly. However when I run it on IIS v5.1..
Embedded Web Server in .NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/155161/embedded-web-server-in-net .NET. The web server has to support PHP. I have looked at Cassini but it seems it is ASP.NET only. c# .net php webserver share..
ASP.NET - AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() - Assemblies missing after AppDomain restart http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3552223/asp-net-appdomain-currentdomain-getassemblies-assemblies-missing-after-app I get this problem with the built in Visual Studio 2010 Cassini web server and with IIS7.0 in Integrated Pipeline Mode on Windows..
Programmatically find when the ASP.NET worker process and app domain last started? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4056635/programmatically-find-when-the-asp-net-worker-process-and-app-domain-last-starte relevant 8 years later believe it or not 2 . Running on Cassini Vista VS 2008 I'm seeing an accurate system up time with TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds.. but unfortunately it's not available on Cassini Process metrics are available only when the ASP.NET process..
Facebook/ Twitter with dotnetopenauth? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4821747/facebook-twitter-with-dotnetopenauth Web Application. This will start an instance of Cassini Visual Studio Developer Server and a web browser should open..
Help: How to enable Windows Authentication on ASP.NET Development Server? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/854395/help-how-to-enable-windows-authentication-on-asp-net-development-server are outside of its application scope. It is based on the Cassini server. Cassini does not support WCF web services. Documentation.. its application scope. It is based on the Cassini server. Cassini does not support WCF web services. Documentation for ASP.Net..