c# Programming Glossary: cares
PrintPage PrintPageEventHandler Is Printing Too Many Copies http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10287558/printpage-printpageeventhandler-is-printing-too-many-copies share improve this question I GOT IT Yippie OK if anyone cares here's the deal I needed to print two 2 labels per page. What..
event Action<> vs event EventHandler<> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1431359/event-action-vs-event-eventhandler EventArgs Compulsory passing of object source often no one cares More code means more code to maintain without any clear advantage...
Detect if any key is pressed in C# (not A, B, but any) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1752494/detect-if-any-key-is-pressed-in-c-sharp-not-a-b-but-any a better of different approach... So long for anyone who cares here some code public class KeyModifierSet internal readonly..
How do i prevent my code from being stolen? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2338337/how-do-i-prevent-my-code-from-being-stolen them himself. This is basically the Analog Hole Nobody cares about your 1337 code. I'm sorry but that's tough love. Nobody..
Server did not recognize the value of HTTP Header SOAPAction http://stackoverflow.com/questions/352174/server-did-not-recognize-the-value-of-http-header-soapaction actual web reality of http yournamespace.com blah it only cares that you send it what you have said you are expecting on the..
Why is cross thread operation exception not thrown while running exe in bin\Debug http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3972727/why-is-cross-thread-operation-exception-not-thrown-while-running-exe-in-bin-debu of discovering the problem without a diagnostic. Microsoft cares a lot about backward compat even if it is buggy compat. The..
Best practices for exception management in Java or C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/409563/best-practices-for-exception-management-in-java-or-c-sharp to the caller. My logic is that all the caller really cares about is if the task was successful not why it is wasn't successful...
Generating Permutations using LINQ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4319049/generating-permutations-using-linq iterators for concatenation is not very efficient but who cares You already are generating an exponential number of sequences..
How should anonymous types be used in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/48668/how-should-anonymous-types-be-used-in-c query.ToDictionary item item.Id item item.Name Nobody cares about `a the anonymous type. It's there so you don't have to..
Difference between events and delegates and its respective applications http://stackoverflow.com/questions/563549/difference-between-events-and-delegates-and-its-respective-applications notification is done via an event. Whether anyone actually cares about this event and subscribes to it is beyond the concern..
How to find out which assembly handled the request http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6551954/how-to-find-out-which-assembly-handled-the-request so it's potentially usable from any assembly that cares to specify those. In the worst case you could define an enum..
Why must we define both == and != in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6916884/why-must-we-define-both-and-in-c .NET framework doesn't care about these operators it only cares about a few Equals methods. The decision to require both and..
C# automatic property deserialization of JSON http://stackoverflow.com/questions/945585/c-sharp-automatic-property-deserialization-of-json ignores automatic properties on deserialization and only cares about the backing field which is obviously not present in the..