c# Programming Glossary: cars
Distinct by property of class by linq http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2537823/distinct-by-property-of-class-by-linq by linq I have a collection List Car cars new List Car Cars are uniquely identified by CarCode. I have three cars in the.. CarCodes. How can I use LINQ to convert this collection to Cars with unique CarCodes c# linq distinct share improve this..
How to Deserialize XML document http://stackoverflow.com/questions/364253/how-to-deserialize-xml-document this XML document xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 Cars Car StockNumber 1020 StockNumber Make Nissan Make Model Sentra.. 1111 StockNumber Make Honda Make Model Accord Model Car Cars I have this Serializable public class Car System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute.. Model get set . System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRootAttribute Cars Namespace IsNullable false public class Cars XmlArrayItem typeof..
Specifying generic collection type param at runtime http://stackoverflow.com/questions/513952/specifying-generic-collection-type-param-at-runtime List T GetAll .. I want to do Type t typeof Car List t Cars GetAll t How can I do this I want to return a generic collection..
How do parameterized queries help against SQL injection? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5468425/how-do-parameterized-queries-help-against-sql-injection here 1. SqlCommand cmd new SqlCommand INSERT INTO dbo.Cars VALUES @TagNbr conn cmd.Parameters.Add @TagNbr SqlDbType.Int.. int tagnumber txtTagNumber.Text.ToInt16 EDITED INSERT into Cars values tagnumber.Text then is it the same Also here I would..
Difference between Property and Field in C# 3.0+ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/653536/difference-between-property-and-field-in-c-sharp-3-0
C# - Reading data from XML [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7119806/c-sharp-reading-data-from-xml interested in app where output is gonna be Books Animals Cars Authors J. Anderson L. Sawer I'm just want to learn how read..
Group by in LINQ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7325278/group-by-in-linq group p.car by p.PersonId into g select new PersonID g.Key Cars g.ToList Or as a non query expression var results persons.GroupBy.. p p.PersonId p p.car key g new PersonId key Cars g.ToList Basically the contents of the group when view as an..
Kinect SDK player detection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10562554/kinect-sdk-player-detection which player left from the game. Think that there are 2 cars in the game. First detected player call it player1 uses left..
Distinct by property of class by linq http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2537823/distinct-by-property-of-class-by-linq by property of class by linq I have a collection List Car cars new List Car Cars are uniquely identified by CarCode. I have.. Car Cars are uniquely identified by CarCode. I have three cars in the collection and two with identical CarCodes. How can I.. and get the first car from each group List Car distinct cars .GroupBy car car.CarCode .Select g g.First .ToList share improve..
How to Deserialize XML document http://stackoverflow.com/questions/364253/how-to-deserialize-xml-document . public class CarSerializer public Cars Deserialize Cars cars null string path HttpContext.Current.ApplicationInstance.Server.MapPath.. ~ App_Data cars.xml XmlSerializer serializer new XmlSerializer typeof Cars StreamReader.. StreamReader reader new StreamReader path reader.ReadToEnd cars Cars serializer.Deserialize reader reader.Close return cars..
Change File Extension Using C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5259961/change-file-extension-using-c-sharp extension I tried this my file c my documents my images cars a.jpg string extension Path.GetExtension myffile myfile.replace..
Is C# really slower than say C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5326269/is-c-sharp-really-slower-than-say-c benchmarks are a bit like teenagers deciding to race their cars and whoever wins gets to keep both cars. The web sites differ.. to race their cars and whoever wins gets to keep both cars. The web sites differ in one crucial way though they guy who's.. they guy who's publishing the benchmark gets to drive both cars. By some strange chance his car always wins and everybody else..
How do you perform a CROSS JOIN with LINQ to SQL? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/56547/how-do-you-perform-a-cross-join-with-linq-to-sql join operator for it. var combo from p in people from c in cars select new p.Name c.Make c.Model c.Colour share improve..
Group by in LINQ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7325278/group-by-in-linq a way I can group by personID and get the list of all the cars he has For ex. expected result would be class Result int PersonID.. result would be class Result int PersonID List string cars So after grouping by I would get results 0 .PersonID 1 List.. grouping by I would get results 0 .PersonID 1 List string cars results 0 .cars result 1 .PersonID 2 List string cars result..