c# Programming Glossary: castable
Why is OfType<> faster than Cast<>? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11430570/why-is-oftype-faster-than-cast regex processing time I also switched to using something castable to IEnumerable string and thus activated this short circuiting...
Why no compiler error when I cast a class to an interface it doesn't implement? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12335757/why-no-compiler-error-when-i-cast-a-class-to-an-interface-it-doesnt-implement detect that this instance of foo is never going to be castable to IBar but that is more of a nice to have warning than a matter..
Accessing Projects via DTE in C# T4 Template http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12952110/accessing-projects-via-dte-in-c-sharp-t4-template as parameter and foreach returns an object which is not castable to Project. Here is my code snippet var hostServiceProvider..
Check if types are castable / subclasses http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2119441/check-if-types-are-castable-subclasses if types are castable subclasses I have they type of two members as strings and not.. as a Type instance. How can I check if the two types are castable Let's say string one is System.Windows.Forms.Label and the other.. How can I check if the first one is a subclass or implicit castable of the second one Is this possible by using reflection Thanks..
Why does LINQ-to-Entites recognize my custom method? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2675536/why-does-linq-to-entites-recognize-my-custom-method To clarify it seems Func WorkOrder bool is implicitly castable to Expression Func WorkOrder bool but not the other way around...
Can I avoid casting an enum value when I try to use or return it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/577946/can-i-avoid-casting-an-enum-value-when-i-try-to-use-or-return-it to be type safe. I think they didn't make them implicitly castable to discourage other uses. Although the framework allows you..
Is there a way to “override” a method with reflection? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9684804/is-there-a-way-to-override-a-method-with-reflection ParamList.Empty Console.WriteLine The resulting object is castable as INPC inpc is INotifyPropertyChanged INotifyPropertyChanged.. INPC implementation and usage The resulting object is castable as INPC True Hello world Property's name Name Please note that..