c# Programming Glossary: call
Cross-thread operation not valid: Control accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/142003/cross-thread-operation-not-valid-control-accessed-from-a-thread-other-than-the does some heavy data operation such that if I directly call the UserControl_Load method the UI become nonresponsive for..
Dependency Inject (DI) “friendly” library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2045904/dependency-inject-di-friendly-library Principle The Hollywood Principle in DI terms says Don't call the DI Container it'll call you . Never directly ask for a dependency.. in DI terms says Don't call the DI Container it'll call you . Never directly ask for a dependency by calling a container.. it'll call you . Never directly ask for a dependency by calling a container from within your code. Ask for it implicitly..
Use of Application.DoEvents() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5181777/use-of-application-doevents the bat almost any Winforms program actually contains a call to DoEvents . It is cleverly disguised however with a different.. for example close the main window while the loop that calls DoEvents is running. That works user interface is gone. But.. advantage that you only shoot your own foot it won't typically let the user shoot hers. The next versions of C# and VB.NET..
Proper use of the IDisposable interface http://stackoverflow.com/questions/538060/proper-use-of-the-idisposable-interface be cleaned up. The garbage collector doesn't know how to call DeleteHandle on a variable of type IntPtr it doesn't know whether.. of type IntPtr it doesn't know whether or not it needs to call DeleteHandle . Note What is an unmanaged resource If you found.. yourself it's unmanaged. Anything you've used P Invoke calls to get outside of the nice comfy world of everything available..
Random number generator only generating one random number http://stackoverflow.com/questions/767999/random-number-generator-only-generating-one-random-number Random random new Random return random.Next min max How I call it byte mac new byte 6 for int x 0 x 6 x mac x byte Misc.RandomNumber.. min max Edit see comments why do we need a lock here Basically Next is going to change the internal state of the Random instance... can be fine but mutating a single instance from multiple callers at the same time is just asking for trouble. The lock achieves..
Deep cloning objects in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/78536/deep-cloning-objects-in-c-sharp public static T Clone T this T source ... Now the method call simply becomes objectBeingCloned.Clone . share improve this..
What is AsyncCallback? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1047662/what-is-asynccallback is AsyncCallback Hi I have seen the AsyncCallback in many client server.. is AsyncCallback Hi I have seen the AsyncCallback in many client server programs. What is the use of AsyncCallback.. in many client server programs. What is the use of AsyncCallback and why should we use it c# asynchronous share improve..
How to convert an Stream into a byte[] in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1080442/how-to-convert-an-stream-into-a-byte-in-c c# inputstream bytearray share improve this question Call next function like byte m_Bytes StreamHelper.ReadToEnd mystream..
C# - Correct Way to Load Assembly, Find Class and Call Run() Method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1137781/c-sharp-correct-way-to-load-assembly-find-class-and-call-run-method Correct Way to Load Assembly Find Class and Call Run Method Sample console program. class Program static void..
How do I access ARP-protocol information through .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1148778/how-do-i-access-arp-protocol-information-through-net int result GetIpNetTable IntPtr.Zero ref bytesNeeded false Call the function expecting an insufficient buffer. if result ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER.. through the entries. for int index 0 index entries index Call PtrToStructure getting the structure information. table index..
How to resolve a .lnk in c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/139010/how-to-resolve-a-lnk-in-c-sharp types of tracking. summary SLR_NOLINKINFO 0x40 summary Call the Microsoft Windows Installer summary SLR_INVOKE_MSI 0x80..
How to simulate Mouse Click in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2416748/how-to-simulate-mouse-click-in-c class Form1 Form DllImport user32.dll CharSet CharSet.Auto CallingConvention CallingConvention.StdCall public static extern.. user32.dll CharSet CharSet.Auto CallingConvention CallingConvention.StdCall public static extern void mouse_event uint.. CharSet.Auto CallingConvention CallingConvention.StdCall public static extern void mouse_event uint dwFlags uint dx uint..
How do I intercept a method call in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25803/how-do-i-intercept-a-method-call-in-c concrete let's assume there are 3 classes public class Caller public static void Call Traced traced new Traced traced.Method1.. there are 3 classes public class Caller public static void Call Traced traced new Traced traced.Method1 traced.Method2 public.. every call to Method1 and Method2 without modifying the Caller.Call method and without adding the calls explicitly to Traced.Method1..
JQuery ajax call to httpget webmethod (c#) not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2651091/jquery-ajax-call-to-httpget-webmethod-c-not-working POST everything works fine. Please see my code below. Ajax Call script type text javascript var id li1234 function AjaxGet ..
Call ASP.NET Function From Javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3713/call-asp-net-function-from-javascript ASP.NET Function From Javascript I'm writing a web page in..
Format a date in XML via XSLT http://stackoverflow.com/questions/500915/format-a-date-in-xml-via-xslt value of select substring after dateTime 'T' xsl template Call them with xsl call template name formatDate xsl with param name..
How to call code behind server method from a client side javascript function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5828803/how-to-call-code-behind-server-method-from-a-client-side-javascript-function var name name document.getElementById 'txtName' .value Call Server side method SetName by passing this parameter 'name'..
Fastest Way of Inserting in Entity Framework http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5940225/fastest-way-of-inserting-in-entity-framework for each record ... That's the worst thing you can do Calling SaveChanges for each record slows bulk inserts extremely.. tests which will very likely improve the performance Call SaveChanges once after ALL records. Call SaveChanges after for.. the performance Call SaveChanges once after ALL records. Call SaveChanges after for example 100 records. Call SaveChanges..
Call a stored procedure with parameter in c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7542517/call-a-stored-procedure-with-parameter-in-c-sharp a stored procedure with parameter in c# I can do a Delete insert..
C# Events and Thread Safety http://stackoverflow.com/questions/786383/c-sharp-events-and-thread-safety copy TheEvent if copy null copy this EventArgs.Empty Call any handlers on the copied list Updated I thought from reading.. will not run... if copy null copy this EventArgs.Empty Call any handlers on the copied list The point being that OnTheEvent..
Event Bubbling and MVP: ASP.NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8851933/event-bubbling-and-mvp-asp-net ucCtrlcurrentTimeView.AttachPresenter currentTimePresenter Call the presenter action to load time in user control. currentTimePresenter.SetCurrentTime..