c# Programming Glossary: cachemode
How to Change Pivot Header Template in Windows Phone 8 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17902064/how-to-change-pivot-header-template-in-windows-phone-8 Auto RowDefinition Height Grid.RowDefinitions Grid CacheMode BitmapCache Grid.RowSpan 2 Grid.Background ImageBrush ImageSource.. Grid Grid Background TemplateBinding Background CacheMode BitmapCache Grid.Row 2 ContentPresenter ContentTemplate TemplateBinding.. Height Grid.RowDefinitions Grid Background #ff9000 CacheMode BitmapCache Grid.RowSpan 2 Grid Background TemplateBinding..
How to zoom in and zoom out Images in WP7? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4678268/how-to-zoom-in-and-zoom-out-images-in-wp7 Image Source someSourceUrl RenderTransformOrigin 0.5 0.5 CacheMode BitmapCache Image.RenderTransform CompositeTransform x Name..
BitmapCache? When and how to use? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4716473/bitmapcache-when-and-how-to-use share improve this question I found this link explaining CacheMode in Silverlight 3. From the link This link is dead. BitmapCache.. translating stretching rotating . Misuse of the CacheMode feature can hurt performance so you need to really think through..