

c# Programming Glossary: c.id

Best way to initialize an entity framework context?


return from c in _entities.ContactSet.Include Group where c.Id id select c .FirstOrDefault The other way is to initialize.. return from c in entities.ContactSet.Include Group where c.Id id select c .FirstOrDefault From an Ado.Net background I prefer..

Entity framework, problems updating related objects


.Include x x.SubFoo .Include x x.AnotherSubFoo .Single c c.Id newFoo.Id var entry context.Entry Foo dbFoo entry.OriginalValues.SetValues.. .Include x x.SubFoo .Include x x.AnotherSubFoo .Single c c.Id newFoo.Id context.Entry dbFoo .CurrentValues.SetValues newFoo.. .Include x x.SubFoo .Include x x.AnotherSubFoo .Single c c.Id newFoo.Id context.Entry dbFoo .CurrentValues.SetValues newFoo..

A lambda expression with a statement body cannot be converted to an expression tree in nopCommerce [duplicate]


.Join _customerRepository.Table cev cev.CustomerId c c.Id cev c var cust new CustomerEventRolesModel cust.Id cev.Id.. CustomerEventRolesModel cust.Id cev.Id cust.CustomerId c.Id cust.Customer c.Email cust.ContactName c.GetAttribute string.. cev c new CustomerEventRolesModel Id cev.Id CustomerId c.Id And so on. I'm way too lazy to clean up your code. By the way..

Differences in LINQ syntax between VB.Net and C#


c in Process.GetProcesses group c by new c.BasePriority c.Id into d select d whereas in VB.NET more straightforward syntax.. b From c In Process.GetProcesses Group c By c.BasePriority c.Id Into Group Select Group So one does not need to create a type..

Using a partial class property inside LINQ statement


this var invoices from c in _repository.Customers where c.Id id from i in c.Invoices select new InvoiceIndex Id i.Id.. select new CustomerIndex Id c.Id Name c.Name Employee c.Employee Balance Customer.Balance.Invoke.. select new CustomerIndex Id c.Id Name c.Name Employee c.Employee Balance tmpBalance.Invoke..

How to perform Join between multiple tables in LINQ lambda


pc .Join category ppc ppc.productcategory.CatId c c.Id ppc c new productproductcategory ppc category c With this code.. pc.ProdId p pc new p pc .Join category ppc ppc.pc.CatId c c.Id ppc c new ppc c .Select m new ProdId m.ppc.p.Id or m.ppc.pc.ProdId.. pc.ProdId p pc new p pc .Join category ppc ppc.pc.CatId c c.Id ppc c new ProdId ppc.p.Id or ppc.pc.ProdId CatId c.CatId other..