c# Programming Glossary: c2
Why does my C# gzip produce a larger file than Fiddler or PHP? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11435200/why-does-my-c-sharp-gzip-produce-a-larger-file-than-fiddler-or-php the compressed data itself Fiddler 0000 0010 1f 8b 08 00 c2 e6 ff 4f 00 ff f3 48 cd c9 c9 57 .......O ...H...W 0000 001f..
Combining n DataTables into a Single DataTable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12278978/combining-n-datatables-into-a-single-datatable DataTable tblA.Columns.Add c1 typeof int tblA.Columns.Add c2 typeof int tblA.Columns.Add c3 typeof string tblA.Columns.Add..
Distinct() with lambda? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1300088/distinct-with-lambda T T bool var distinctValues myCustomerList.Distinct c1 c2 c1.CustomerId c2.CustomerId Anyone know if some such extension.. distinctValues myCustomerList.Distinct c1 c2 c1.CustomerId c2.CustomerId Anyone know if some such extension exists or some..
try catch performance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1350264/try-catch-performance Stopwatch stopwatch2 Stopwatch.StartNew int c2 0 for int i 0 i iterations i c2 i 2 int Math.Floor double.. Stopwatch.StartNew int c2 0 for int i 0 i iterations i c2 i 2 int Math.Floor double i c2 i 2 stopwatch2.Stop WriteLog.. int i 0 i iterations i c2 i 2 int Math.Floor double i c2 i 2 stopwatch2.Stop WriteLog String.Format Without try catch..
C# Producer/Consumer pattern http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1371249/c-sharp-producer-consumer-pattern lockObj Consumer c1 new Consumer queue lockObj c1 Consumer c2 new Consumer queue lockObj c2 Thread t1 new Thread c1.consume.. queue lockObj c1 Consumer c2 new Consumer queue lockObj c2 Thread t1 new Thread c1.consume Thread t2 new Thread c2.consume.. c2 Thread t1 new Thread c1.consume Thread t2 new Thread c2.consume t1.Start t2.Start Thread t new Thread p.produce t.Start..
How to find control points for a BezierSegment given Start, End, and 2 Intersection Pts in C# - AKA Cubic Bezier 4-point Interpolation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2315432/how-to-find-control-points-for-a-beziersegment-given-start-end-and-2-intersect lengths double c1 Math.Sqrt x4 x0 x4 x0 y4 y0 y4 y0 double c2 Math.Sqrt x5 x4 x5 x4 y5 y4 y5 y4 double c3 Math.Sqrt x3 x5.. x3 x5 x3 x5 y3 y5 y3 y5 guess best t double t1 c1 c1 c2 c3 double t2 c1 c2 c1 c2 c3 transform x1 and x2 solvexy b1 t1.. y5 y3 y5 guess best t double t1 c1 c1 c2 c3 double t2 c1 c2 c1 c2 c3 transform x1 and x2 solvexy b1 t1 b2 t1 x4 x0 b0 t1..
Sort a Custom Class List<> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3163922/sort-a-custom-class-list stuff to the list now sort week.Sort delegate cTag c1 cTag c2 return c1.date.CompareTo c2.age share improve this answer..
Write Array to Excel Range http://stackoverflow.com/questions/536636/write-array-to-excel-range Excel.Range c1 Excel.Range wsh.Cells topRow 1 Excel.Range c2 Excel.Range wsh.Cells topRow dt.Rows.Count 1 dt.Columns.Count.. 1 dt.Columns.Count Excel.Range range wsh.get_Range c1 c2 range.Value arr Of course you do not need to use an intermediate..
Formatting a float to 2 decimal places http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6356351/formatting-a-float-to-2-decimal-places ToString 0.00 2dp Number ToString n2 2dp Number ToString c2 2dp currency Standard Number Format Strings share improve this..
How do I adjust the brightness of a color? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/737217/how-do-i-adjust-the-brightness-of-a-color can just factor the RGB values Color c1 Color.Red Color c2 Color.FromArgb c1.A int c1.R 0.8 int c1.G 0.8 int c1.B 0.8 which..
Listing all permutations of a string/integer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/756055/listing-all-permutations-of-a-string-integer void Main Permute p new Permute string c sagiv char c2 c.ToCharArray calling the permute p.setper c2 share improve..
How can I use Entity Framework on an object graph past a depth of 2 with MySQL Connector / NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11676513/how-can-i-use-entity-framework-on-an-object-graph-past-a-depth-of-2-with-mysql-c Project1 . HarborId Project1 . Description Project1 . C2 AS C1 Project1 . ShipId Project1 . HarborId1 Project1 . Description1.. . HarborId1 Project1 . Description1 Project1 . C1 AS C2 Project1 . CrewMemberId Project1 . ShipId1 Project1 . ClearanceId.. CASE WHEN Join3 . ShipId IS NULL THEN NULL ELSE 1 END AS C2 FROM Harbor AS Extent1 LEFT OUTER JOIN SELECT Extent2 . ShipId..
C# Producer/Consumer pattern http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1371249/c-sharp-producer-consumer-pattern two consumers code as follow but the output are only C2 consuming. any bug in my code class Program static void Main..
How to have multiple pairs “View-ViewModel”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2830517/how-to-have-multiple-pairs-view-viewmodel View P I might want to close all its children view C1 view C2 etc. . Hence is there any simple and easy way to achieve this..
Least Squares C# library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/350852/least-squares-c-sharp-library 2nd order 3rd order etc and it returns either the C0 C1 C2 etc. constant values or the calculated values predictions ...
Does C# have an equivalent to JavaScript's encodeURIComponent()? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/86477/does-c-sharp-have-an-equivalent-to-javascripts-encodeuricomponent encodeURIComponent In JavaScript encodeURIComponent © C2 A9 E2 88 9A Is there an equivalent for C# applications For escaping.. 0 x int m.Value 0 Returns a9 221a for © instead of C2 A9 E2 88 9A . It looks like I need to split the string up into..