c# Programming Glossary: calculating
Are static methods thread safe http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1090650/are-static-methods-thread-safe nothing to stop a thread from using stale data when calculating the duration. Use the Stopwatch class instead that's what it's..
What's the best way to create a short hash, similiar to what tiny Url does? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1116860/whats-the-best-way-to-create-a-short-hash-similiar-to-what-tiny-url-does this Update I like the CRC32 hash. Is there a clean way of calculating it in .NET Update2 I'm using the CRC32 function from the link..
LINQ to SQL and a running total on ordered results http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1834753/linq-to-sql-and-a-running-total-on-ordered-results data and adding rows to the DataGridView one by one and calculating the running total at that time. Lame. I would much rather use..
Possible to calculate MD5 (or other) hash with buffered reads? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2124468/possible-to-calculate-md5-or-other-hash-with-buffered-reads a MD5 or other hash at the same time as writing ie calculating the hash of one buffer then feeding that resulting hash into..
Stopwatch vs. using System.DateTime.Now for timing events [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2923283/stopwatch-vs-using-system-datetime-now-for-timing-events anyone tell me why Stopwatch would be more accurate than calculating the difference between a start and end time using System.DateTime.Now..
C data structure to mimic C#'s List<List<int>>? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/343654/c-data-structure-to-mimic-cs-listlistint to the nature of the problem. The iterative method for calculating the power set of a set is fairly straight forward. Two loops.. think that using yield return is the change that makes calculating large powersets possible. Allocating large amounts of memory..
C# thread pool limiting threads http://stackoverflow.com/questions/444627/c-sharp-thread-pool-limiting-threads In your case your resource is running the web scrape or calculating some report etc. To do this in your static class create a semaphore..
What's the best way to calculate the size of a directory in .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/468119/whats-the-best-way-to-calculate-the-size-of-a-directory-in-net P Invoke and a Win32 API What's the most efficient way of calculating the size of a folder in .NET c# .net windows share improve.. seems fairly neat simple. Bear in mind that you are calculating the sum of the file lengths not the actual space consumed on..
Sum of digits in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/478968/sum-of-digits-in-c-sharp What's the fastest and easiest to read implementation of calculating the sum of digits I.e. Given the number 17463 1 7 4 6 3 21 ..
Calculate a Ratio in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/527860/calculate-a-ratio-in-c-sharp 0 1 A gcd B gcd And a very basic function for calculating the GCD using the Euclidean algorithm static int GCD int a int..
How to calculate bounce angle? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/573084/how-to-calculate-bounce-angle do this is to use the velocity of the missile instead of calculating angles. Say you have a missile that has xVelocity and yVelocity..
Fixed point math in c#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/605124/fixed-point-math-in-c but I haven't seen a solid C# library for things like calculating cosine and sine. My needs are simple I need the basic operators.. but for smooth diagonal movement at varying speeds I'm calculating the angle between points in radians then getting the x and y..
Large Object Heap Fragmentation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/686950/large-object-heap-fragmentation is running on the 64 bit framework. It is continuously calculating and serialising data to a remote host and is hitting the Large..
Beats per minute from real-time audio input http://stackoverflow.com/questions/79445/beats-per-minute-from-real-time-audio-input before you calculate a new spectrum. Now you end up with calculating the bassIntensity for every 256 samples. This is a good input..
Customizing a TabControl for the Closing of Individual Tabs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/803540/customizing-a-tabcontrol-for-the-closing-of-individual-tabs was pressed. The main problem with this solution is that calculating if the mouse is over the icon requires to know where the icon..
System.Globalization.Calendar.GetWeekOfYear() returns odd results http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8808878/system-globalization-calendar-getweekofyear-returns-odd-results returns odd results I'm in the middle of calculating week numbers for dates but the System.Globalization.Calendar..
How is Math.Pow() implemented in .Net Framework? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8870442/how-is-math-pow-implemented-in-net-framework Framework I was looking for an efficient approach for calculating a b say a 2 and b 50 . To start things up I decided to take..