c# Programming Glossary: calc.exe
Launching GUI App from Windows Service - Window Does Not Appear http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1109271/launching-gui-app-from-windows-service-window-does-not-appear but it doesnt show in the explorer. I'm trying to launch a calc.exe from my code.it shows the exe in the memory but it doesnt comes.. method Process pr new Process pr.StartInfo.FileName calc.exe pr.StartInfo.WindowStyle ProcessWindowStyle.Maximized pr.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow..
How Do I Stop An Application From Opening http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1284674/how-do-i-stop-an-application-from-opening and within this the string value Debugger with the value calc.exe . Now whenever I try and run notepad calc opens. The following.. Image File Execution Options notepad.exe Debugger calc.exe Having made this change I've not yet managed to open notepad..
.NET sendkeys to calculator http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2604898/net-sendkeys-to-calculator tell you how you can figure out how to send keystorkes to calc.exe. Use spy to monitor the messages on the calc.exe window process.. to calc.exe. Use spy to monitor the messages on the calc.exe window process as you're using it. To do this go into spy and.. the log messages toolbar button. Drag the cursor onto the calc.exe window. The instructions I gave are for VS2008 they may differ..
Load an EXE file and run it from memory using C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3553875/load-an-exe-file-and-run-it-from-memory-using-c-sharp But I cannot run executables such as notepad.exe or calc.exe . How can I get it so I can also run unmanaged exes c# .net.. for you. For native executables like notepad.exe and calc.exe you'll have to do a lot of manual work to get it to happen... it. If you're really just wanting to run notepad.exe and calc.exe the easiest way of course would be to use Process.Start and..