c# Programming Glossary: calendar
What is the best way to represent “Recurring Events” in database? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1579638/what-is-the-best-way-to-represent-recurring-events-in-database in database I am trying to develop a scheduler and calendar dependent event application in C# for which a crucial requirement..
How do I determine if a given date is the Nth weekday of the month? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/288513/how-do-i-determine-if-a-given-date-is-the-nth-weekday-of-the-month date.DayOfWeek dow d 7 n d 7 n 1 d 7 0 c# .net date calendar share improve this question You could change the check of..
SMS Gateway for Windows + C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3524742/sms-gateway-for-windows-c-sharp I know many sites use have SMS reminders such as google calendar. I am sure google hosts there own server or something. I also..
Winforms Double Buffering http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3718380/winforms-double-buffering it loads the controls whenever they change the form is a calendar it changes often . What do I need to do differently c# winforms..
DateTime vs DateTimeOffset http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4331189/datetime-vs-datetimeoffset where .Kind is DateTimeKind.Utc . This is distinct from calendar time which is a position on someone's calendar and there are.. from calendar time which is a position on someone's calendar and there are many different calendars all over the globe. We.. on someone's calendar and there are many different calendars all over the globe. We call these calendars time zones . Calendar..
Convert DateTime to Julian Date in C# (ToOADate Safe?) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5248827/convert-datetime-to-julian-date-in-c-sharp-tooadate-safe Date of March 2nd 1 BC. Since we moved the 'start' of the calendar from January to March we use this as our offset rather than..
C# Google Calendar V3 2 Legged authentication fails http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8899000/c-sharp-google-calendar-v3-2-legged-authentication-fails trying to create web page that access the business private calendar of the company and insert events if the time slot is available... result.Items.Count 0 c# oauth google api google calendar share improve this question NB At the time of writing you.. and the APIs you want to access e.g. http www.google.com calendar feeds for the calendar. Then finally create a project in the..
BUG: Cant choose dates on a DatePicker that fall outside a floating VSTO Add-In http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10526118/bug-cant-choose-dates-on-a-datepicker-that-fall-outside-a-floating-vsto-add-in create a User Control with a DateTimePicker make sure the Calendar control is located toward the bottom right of the user control.. public TaskPaneCtrl InitializeComponent F5 and click the Calendar Control now try to select a date that is outside the taskpane.. btn.Dock DockStyle.Right btn.Click showMonthCalendar dateTimePicker1.Resize delegate btn.Width btn.Height dateTimePicker1.ClientSize.Height..
Get the correct week number of a given date http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11154673/get-the-correct-week-number-of-a-given-date DateTimeFormatInfo dfi DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo Calendar cal dfi.Calendar return cal.GetWeekOfYear date dfi.CalendarWeekRule.. dfi DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo Calendar cal dfi.Calendar return cal.GetWeekOfYear date dfi.CalendarWeekRule dfi.FirstDayOfWeek.. cal dfi.Calendar return cal.GetWeekOfYear date dfi.CalendarWeekRule dfi.FirstDayOfWeek Solution 2 return new GregorianCalendar..
DateTime string parsing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1277320/datetime-string-parsing of doing this change the TwoDigitYearMax property of the Calendar used by the DateTimeFormatInfo you're using to parse the text... I'm not sure whether this is necessary dtfi.Calendar Calendar dtfi.Calendar.Clone dtfi.Calendar.TwoDigitYearMax 1910.. I'm not sure whether this is necessary dtfi.Calendar Calendar dtfi.Calendar.Clone dtfi.Calendar.TwoDigitYearMax 1910 Then..
DateTime.TryParse century control C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1760544/datetime-tryparse-century-control-c-sharp new System.Globalization.CultureInfo en GB cultureInfo.Calendar.TwoDigitYearMax 2099 DateTime.TryParse dateString cultureInfo.. TryParse is based on the TwoDigitYearMax property of the Calendar property of the CultureInfo object that you are using. CultureInfo.. of the CultureInfo object that you are using. CultureInfo Calendar TwoDigitYearMax In order to make two digit years have 20 prepended..
WPF Toolkit DatePicker Month/Year Only http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1798513/wpf-toolkit-datepicker-month-year-only share improve this question If you can use the Calendar control instead you could do toolkit Calendar x Name _calendar.. can use the Calendar control instead you could do toolkit Calendar x Name _calendar DisplayModeChanged _calendar_DisplayModeChanged.. As System.Object ByVal e As Microsoft.Windows.Controls.CalendarModeChangedEventArgs If _calendar.DisplayMode Microsoft.Windows.Controls.CalendarMode.Month..
C# DateTime.Ticks equivalent in Java http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3706306/c-sharp-datetime-ticks-equivalent-in-java java share improve this question Well java.util.Date Calendar only have precision down to the millisecond Calendar calendar.. Calendar only have precision down to the millisecond Calendar calendar Calendar.getInstance calendar.set Calendar.MILLISECOND.. have precision down to the millisecond Calendar calendar Calendar.getInstance calendar.set Calendar.MILLISECOND 0 Clear the millis..
DateTime vs DateTimeOffset http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4331189/datetime-vs-datetimeoffset all over the globe. We call these calendars time zones . Calendar time is represented by a DateTime where .Kind is DateTimeKind.Unspecified..
Calculate date from week number http://stackoverflow.com/questions/662379/calculate-date-from-week-number improve this question Note The below answer uses the .NET Calendar rules. It does not promise ISO8601 conformance. See some of.. correctly puts the start of week 1 2009 at 29 12 2008. The CalendarWeekRule probably should be a parameter. Note that the weekNum.. be 1 static DateTime FirstDateOfWeek int year int weekNum CalendarWeekRule rule Debug.Assert weekNum 1 DateTime jan1 new DateTime..
System.Globalization.Calendar.GetWeekOfYear() returns odd results http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8808878/system-globalization-calendar-getweekofyear-returns-odd-results returns odd results I'm in the middle of calculating.. week numbers for dates but the System.Globalization.Calendar is returning odd results for amongst other years December 31st.. amongst other years December 31st of year 2007 and 2012. Calendar calendar CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.Calendar var date new..
C# Google Calendar V3 2 Legged authentication fails http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8899000/c-sharp-google-calendar-v3-2-legged-authentication-fails Google Calendar V3 2 Legged authentication fails I'm trying to create web page.. myworkusername workdomain.com Google.Apis.Calendar.v3.CalendarService service new Google.Apis.Calendar.v3.CalendarService.. myworkusername workdomain.com Google.Apis.Calendar.v3.CalendarService service new Google.Apis.Calendar.v3.CalendarService authenticator..
How to tell Fluent NHibernate not to map a class property http://stackoverflow.com/questions/907576/how-to-tell-fluent-nhibernate-not-to-map-a-class-property types may not be used as proxies iMasterengine.Data.Model.Calendar method get_HasEvents should be virtual my class public class.. get_HasEvents should be virtual my class public class Calendar IEntity public virtual int Id get private set public virtual.. public virtual string SiteId get set public virtual IList CalendarEvent Events get set ignore this property public bool HasEvents..