c# Programming Glossary: balance
decimal vs double! - Which one should I use and when? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1165761/decimal-vs-double-which-one-should-i-use-and-when why it was created. If numbers must add up correctly or balance use decimal. This includes any financial storage or calculations..
In what areas might the use of F# be more appropriate than C#? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2785029/in-what-areas-might-the-use-of-f-be-more-appropriate-than-c improve this question I have written an application to balance the national power generation schedule for a portfolio of power..
Casting vs using the 'as' keyword in the CLR http://stackoverflow.com/questions/496096/casting-vs-using-the-as-keyword-in-the-clr for a sealed class if you're checking for an interface the balance tips slightly in favour of as plus null check. They're all insanely..
Passing data to Master Page in ASP.NET MVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/78548/passing-data-to-master-page-in-asp-net-mvc solutions are probably more correct but this is a nice balance between design and practicality IMHO. The master page takes..
?œDo not use Abstract Base class in Design; but in Modeling/Analysis??/a> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9470013/do-not-use-abstract-base-class-in-design-but-in-modeling-analysis solutions are probably more correct but this is a nice balance between design and practicality IMHO. The master page takes..
DDD Approach to Access External Information http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11241541/ddd-approach-to-access-external-information oneOfRepositroyAccounts oneOfRepositroyAccounts.Balance domainBankAccountObj.Balance this.accountRepository.SubmitChanges.. oneOfRepositroyAccounts.Balance domainBankAccountObj.Balance this.accountRepository.SubmitChanges public interface IBankAccountFactory.. interface IBankAccount int BankAccountID get set double Balance get set string AccountStatus get set void FreezeAccount void..
Polymorphism: Is ORM entity a Domain Entity or Data Entity? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11257484/polymorphism-is-orm-entity-a-domain-entity-or-data-entity interface IBankAccount int BankAccountID get set double Balance get set string AccountStatus get set void FreezeAccount void.. get set public string AccountStatus get set public double Balance get set public void FreezeAccount AccountStatus Frozen public.. select new AccountId a.AccountId CustomerId a.CustomerId Balance a.Balance AccountType AccountType a.AccountTypeId .First return..
Optimizing Repository?™s SubmitChanges Method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11262785/optimizing-repositorys-submitchanges-method interface IBankAccount int BankAccountID get set double Balance get set string AccountStatus get set void FreezeAccount public.. get set public string AccountStatus get set public double Balance get set public void FreezeAccount AccountStatus Frozen c#..
Methods for deep cloning objects in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2585652/methods-for-deep-cloning-objects-in-c-sharp OrderResult OrderResult get set public virtual decimal Balance get set public virtual Customer Customer get set public virtual..
Post-increment Operator Overloading http://stackoverflow.com/questions/668763/post-increment-operator-overloading like the objects are exchanged. class Account public int Balance get set public string Name get set public Account string name.. Name get set public Account string name int balance Balance balance Name name public override string ToString return Name.. Name name public override string ToString return Name Balance.ToString public static Account operator Account a Account b..
Using a partial class property inside LINQ statement http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6879529/using-a-partial-class-property-inside-linq-statement Customer public static Expression Func Customer Decimal Balance get return c c.Invoices.Count 0 c.Invoices.AsQueryable .Sum.. Id c.Id Name c.Name Employee c.Employee Balance Customer.Balance.Invoke c .OrderBy c c.Balance .ToPagedList.. Name c.Name Employee c.Employee Balance Customer.Balance.Invoke c .OrderBy c c.Balance .ToPagedList page 1 PageSize..