c# Programming Glossary: b.id
Linq query list contains a list http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2364090/linq-query-list-contains-a-list p ListOfIdsA.Contains p.ListOfObjectA.Select b b.Id But this obviously throws an exception. I google it stackoverflowed..
Using Linq not equals http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3669507/using-linq-not-equals IEnumerable Customer resultsC listA.Where a listB.Any b b.Id a.Id are the lists particularly large perhaps try a hashset.. HashSet int customerIds new HashSet int listB.Select b b.Id .Distinct IEnumerable Customer resultsD listA.Where a customerIds.Contains..
Linq Distinct() use delegate for equality comparer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4607485/linq-distinct-use-delegate-for-equality-comparer this var distincts bundle.GetAllThings.Distinct a b a.Id b.Id But this doesn't compile. Is there any neat trick c# linq distinct..
Compare two Lists for differences http://stackoverflow.com/questions/675699/compare-two-lists-for-differences really simple. Enumerable.Join listA listB a a.Id b b.Id a b CompareTwoClass_ReturnDifferences a b thanks to you both..
Cascade delete in entity framework ( table per type inheritance ) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9064273/cascade-delete-in-entity-framework-table-per-type-inheritance it is ugly var b context.Bs.Include A1s .Single b b.Id 1 foreach var a1 in b.A1s.ToList context.As.Remove a1 context.Bs.Remove..
Hows to quick check if data transfer two objects have equal properties in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/986572/hows-to-quick-check-if-data-transfer-two-objects-have-equal-properties-in-c to write public bool areEqual Report a Report b if a.Id b.Id return false if a.ProjectId b.ProjectId return false Repeat..