c# Programming Glossary: backgroundimage
Efficient way to send images via WCF? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1829269/efficient-way-to-send-images-via-wcf this using var ms new MemoryStream _currentFrame.Snapshot BackgroundImage Image.FromStream ms I would like to make this process as efficient..
How to fix the flickering in User controls http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2612487/how-to-fix-the-flickering-in-user-controls or SuspendLayout. You've got too many controls the BackgroundImage can make it a lot worse. It starts when the UserControl paints.. It starts when the UserControl paints itself. It draws the BackgroundImage leaving holes where the child control windows go. Each child.. while. They are normally white contrasting badly with the BackgroundImage when it is dark. Or they can be black if the form has its Opacity..
Convert DataTable to Generic List in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4104464/convert-datatable-to-generic-list-in-c-sharp get set public string Orientation get set public string BackgroundImage get set public string Background get set I want to insert the..
Can a background image be set on a Winforms TextBox? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4360301/can-a-background-image-be-set-on-a-winforms-textbox image of a Windows Forms TextBox in C# There is no BackgroundImage property. Should I override the Paint method somehow c# winforms..
Use native HBitmap in C# while preserving alpha channel/transparency http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4627376/use-native-hbitmap-in-c-sharp-while-preserving-alpha-channel-transparency assign this bitmap to a PictureBox control or the the Form BackgroundImage property. And it works the bitmap is displayed correctly using.. When I no longer use the bitmap I make sure the BackgroundImage property is no longer pointing to the bitmap and I dispose both.. bitmapStruct.bmBits Show the bitmap this.BackgroundImage managedBitmap Run the program use the image MessageBox.Show..
C# Picturebox transparent background doesn't seem to work http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5522337/c-sharp-picturebox-transparent-background-doesnt-seem-to-work Whose BackColor is probably white. You can set the form's BackgroundImage property to be sure you should see the image through the picture..