c# Programming Glossary: backcolor
Click through transparency for Visual C# Window Forms? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/112224/click-through-transparency-for-visual-c-sharp-window-forms area and define it to have a TransparenyKey color and BackColor of the same value. Getting it to ignore the mouse is simple..
Enum and property naming conflicts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/211567/enum-and-property-naming-conflicts in that case both should add something to the name i.e. BackColor and ForeColor instead of Color and BackColor . share improve..
How to change the font color of a disabled TextBox? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/276179/how-to-change-the-font-color-of-a-disabled-textbox a prerequisite to get this solution to work. Setting the BackColor of the TextBox . I think what you really want to do is enable..
Drawing on top of controls inside a panel (C# WinForms) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/282838/drawing-on-top-of-controls-inside-a-panel-c-winforms a Fline onto your form or panel. Important the default BackColor is the same as the form so change the Fline's BackColor to Red.. BackColor is the same as the form so change the Fline's BackColor to Red or something obvious in the designer . One weird quirk..
Transparent images with C# WinForms http://stackoverflow.com/questions/395256/transparent-images-with-c-sharp-winforms SetStyle ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor true BackColor Color.Transparent refresher new Timer refresher.Tick.. SetStyle ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor true BackColor Color.Transparent refresher new Timer refresher.Tick TimerOnTick..
C# Picturebox transparent background doesn't seem to work http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5522337/c-sharp-picturebox-transparent-background-doesnt-seem-to-work 1 1 this.SizeMode PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage this.BackColor System.Drawing.Color.Transparent this however just displays.. behind the picture box control. Which is the form. Whose BackColor is probably white. You can set the form's BackgroundImage property..
Count total rows of gridview with pagination http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5788329/count-total-rows-of-gridview-with-pagination GridLines None PageSize 3 RowStyle BackColor #EFF3FB Columns asp TemplateField HeaderTemplate App.ID.. ItemTemplate asp TemplateField Columns FooterStyle BackColor #507CD1 Font Bold True ForeColor White HorizontalAlign Right.. True ForeColor White HorizontalAlign Right PagerStyle BackColor #2461BF ForeColor White HorizontalAlign Center VerticalAlign..
How to find control in TemplateField of GridView? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6873973/how-to-find-control-in-templatefield-of-gridview Both OnRowDataBound grvYourOpt_RowDataBound HeaderStyle BackColor #5D7B9D Font Bold True ForeColor White RowStyle BackColor #F7F6F3.. BackColor #5D7B9D Font Bold True ForeColor White RowStyle BackColor #F7F6F3 ForeColor #333333 Columns asp TemplateField HeaderTemplate.. 0 ForeColor #333333 GridLines Both HeaderStyle BackColor #5D7B9D Font Bold True ForeColor White RowStyle BackColor..
How to generate an image from text on fly at runtime http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2070365/how-to-generate-an-image-from-text-on-fly-at-runtime Image DrawText String text Font font Color textColor Color backColor first create a dummy bitmap just to get a graphics object Image.. Graphics.FromImage img paint the background drawing.Clear backColor create a brush for the text Brush textBrush new SolidBrush textColor..
Make foregroundcolor black or white depending on background http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2241447/make-foregroundcolor-black-or-white-depending-on-background select black or white Color foreColor PerceivedBrightness backColor 130 Color.Black Color.White You can use a value other than 130..
TreeView Remove CheckBox by some Nodes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4826556/treeview-remove-checkbox-by-some-nodes e int type e.Node as Node .typ if type 5 type 6 Color backColor foreColor if e.State TreeNodeStates.Selected TreeNodeStates.Selected.. e.State TreeNodeStates.Selected TreeNodeStates.Selected backColor SystemColors.Highlight foreColor SystemColors.HighlightText.. else if e.State TreeNodeStates.Hot TreeNodeStates.Hot backColor SystemColors.HotTrack foreColor SystemColors.HighlightText..